Strip-Till Farmer
Free eGuide

Strip-Tilling Away Cold Soil Concerns

April 7, 2015
Strip-Tilling Away Cold Soil Concerns

Take advantage today of tips and techniques to help conquer cold soil challenges in YOUR cropping operation.

Our 40-page “Strip-Tilling Away Cold Soil Concerns” report details how you can strengthen your strip-till system, and it’s FREE!

Dear Strip-Tiller,

One of the primary benefits with strip-till is creating an ideal seedbed to give corn the best chance to succeed. But cold, damp soils inhibit early-season plant growth — and negatively impact your yields.

We all know strip-till can help you get into the field faster in the spring by warming up soils, but timing and proper equipment setup are essential parts of achieving this goal.

To help you overcome the challenges that come with cold, damp soil conditions, we’ve compiled a comprehensive catalog of proven strategies into an eGuide download — and we’ve made it absolutely FREE to get it into the hands of as many strip-tillers as possible to put them on the pathway to productivity.

Reliable and proven soil-warming practices from veteran growers, compiled by the most trusted name in strip-till farming.  

This 40-page in-depth eGuide includes experience-based advice on front-to-back, top-to-bottom tips including strip-till rig row unit setups, fertility advice and authoritative results all contained in one reader-friendly eGuide. It reveals yield-boosting advantages farmers can take advantage of with a strip-till system. It’s the kind of eGuide you will turn to again and again as you take stock of where strip-till stands today and where it needs to be in the future. Keep it handy as a primer for planning and meeting your cropping goals!

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Strip-Tilling Away Cold Soil Concerns is a comprehensive, actionable reference to help you conquer cold soils — and capitalize on the benefits of strip-till — by properly setting up your system. In fact, this 40-page eGuide is designed to help you …

  • Meet the challenge of building a better berm to establish an ideal seedbed
  • Compare emergence and growth potential of strip-tilled corn vs. other tillage systems (Strip-tilled corn can be 2-6 inches taller on average)
  • Understandhow to set up your row units to suit your soil conditions and climate
  • Decide what types of fertilizer to apply in the fall (anhydrous, potash, liquid nitrogen?) to create a nutrient bank for plants to draw on next spring
  • Increase the temperature of your soils in the spring (Soil temperatures in the strips average 6 degrees higher than residue-covered areas during April)

Today’s climate and weather patterns are constantly evolving and you need to stay ahead of the curve by keeping your soils healthy and productive. Knowing how to create a sustainable growing environment with strip-till can maintain your profitability.

An informed decision is a profitable one and rewarded by increased productivity and efficiency. Consider this:

  • Yields with strip-till and fall application of nitrogen, phosphate and potash have averaged 16 bushels per acre better than other tillage systems. Strip-till with only a fall N application boosted yields 13 bushels per acre compared with other tillage systems.
  • ROI per acre is $121.12 with fall strip-till vs. $84.17 for “pure” no-till. Costs for chisel plowing and secondary tillage average $112.87 compared with $110.97 with fall strip-till and banding of N.

We know time is money. But if you did nothing more than read the 8 comparative breakdowns of strip-till equipment performance and yield benefits in this FREE eGuide, you’d already be significantly ahead.

Strip-Till Farmer is dedicated entirely to helping farmers understand the tools, trends and technology needed to build and maintain a profitable strip-till system. Our editors make it their job to know the score, and to help progressive farmers improve their operations. Did you know …

Strip-Till Experts’ 10 Soil-Warming Tips

Would you be surprised to know strip-tilled soils can be 2-6 degrees WARMER than conventional-tilled soils in spring? Here’s a sampling of 10 tips to warm up your soils with fall strip-till:

  1. Build a residue-free ridge several inches wide to warm up soils by 6 degrees in the spring
  2. Plan for strip-tilled soils to be warmer at a 2-inch depth then ridges in spring
  3. Remove residue from the row and preheat the strip for fewer insect and slug problems
  4. Avoid applying spring time anhydrous ammonia in the strip to prevent seed burn
  5. Consider that nothing you can add to your planter will make soils warmer or drier
  6. Banding fertilizer reduces the risk of nutrient stratification
  7. Porosity of strips allow more air to transfer in and out, helping dry out soils faster
  8. Utilize strip-till on poorly drained soils to improve water infiltration
  9. Avoid building strips that are too tall, so your planter can maintain accuracy
  10. Boost soil structure due to extra freeze/thaw cycles in residue-free strips

To understand these soil-warming tips and how to apply them on your operation, Read our FREE eGuide, Strip-Tilling Away Cold Soil Concerns

Advice Straight from Strip-Tillers to You!

This eGuide, with more than 50 tips, includes proven practices — delivered by strip-till authorities — to help keep your strip-till soils warm and productive. The rock-solid, experience-based advice also compares the benefits of strip-till with other cropping systems and validates the value of developing a comprehensive strategy. Keep this report handy to improve your on-farm decision-making.

That’s the kind of actionable information you get throughout this FREE eGuide – all of the advice presented in clear, straightforward language, with breakdowns of the most prominent pitfalls — and solutions — for your strip-till operation.

But you get more than just tips and bullet points; you’ll gain insight into fellow farmers’ thought processes and how to leverage critical soil-warming techniques to improve your corn yields and soil structure. You’ll get insight into:

  1. Choosing the right depth and timing to build falls strips
  2. Taking the temperature of your strip-tilled soils to increase corn yields
  3. How warming soils with strip-till can minimize disease and weed concerns
  4. ROI benefits of reduced tillage methods and banded fertilizer application
  5. Field and climate conditions where strip-till will prove most beneficial

For every question you and your farming team consider, you’ll dramatically improve your vision process for strip-till, while preparing for the decisions to come.

Read this free eGuide right now to learn how to make this important topic a #1 directive on your farm this year.

Take the temperature of your soils — and use strip-till to overcome cold, damp conditions

In addition to the wealth of first-hand experience this in-depth report delivers, it also provides actionable takeaways that you can use today:

  • By simply tilling only 25% of a row area, corn yields can increase by 5 bushels per acre.
  • Soil in strip-tilled areas is 9-11 degrees warmer in the spring than in non-tilled areas, which leads to earlier planting.
  • Investing in a fall strip-till system costing $12 per acre can provide nearly twice the ROI, with a $23 per acre return.

These are just some of the takeaways you’ll find by downloading this free eGuide and reviewing it in no more time than what it takes you to finish your lunch.

Here’s a few more...

  • Soil temperatures below 53 degrees at planting time are favorable to disease fungi, but warming soils to above 55 degrees favors corn plants.
  • Only 25% of the field needs fertilization with strip-till banding vs. conventional tillage practices and savings help offset the cost of new equipment purchases.
  • By not strip-tilling heavy soils, you may be “throwing away” as much as 25- 40-bushels per acre of corn per acre.
  • Consider applying no more than 5-8 pounds per acre of N plus potash in direct contact with the seed and the drier you get, the more you should follow this guideline.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Put some of the findings in this report on your radar and you’ll go into next fall energized by the possibilities.

By now, you’ve no doubt seen the value of downloading this carefully prepared 40-page eGuide and what this knowledge can do for your cropping operation. Nobody who wants to be a strip-till trendsetter should overlook it! And because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly a person who values how to bolster, broaden and benefit from strip-till farming.

That means you’re exactly the kind of person we hope to reach with Strip-Tilling Away Cold Soil Concerns.The kind of informed farmer who plans on enhancing and improving conservation efforts for years to come.

Regardless of whether you’re brand new to strip-till or invested 20 years in the practice, what better way to continue evolving than with this comprehensive, authoritative — FREE — eGuide?

Do you want to stay one step ahead of your strip-till peers?

Are you prepared to adapt to potential government regulatory changes and climate variables in your area?

Have you developed a comprehensive game plan for the future of your strip-till operation and the next generation of farmer?

Then download this free eGuide right now, and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum toward greater productivity.

Get this eGuide for Free with a Free Account!

New members, click "Sign Up" for free account. Or, regular members click "Go In".

Yours for better strip-tilling,

Michaela Paukner, Strip-Till Farmer


PS: How quickly can strip-tillers expect their soils to warm up in the spring? Find out by downloading Strip-Tilling Away Cold Soil Concerns to Improve Productivity right now.

PSS: Understanding and improving soil health and structure will be essentials parts of your continued success and profitability. Start on the path toward more productivity by reading this free eGuide now.

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