Strip-Till Farmer

Tillage and Technology Field Day Coming in September

July 30, 2015

Source: University of Minnesota Extension

Crop producers and other agricultural professionals can see the latest in variable depth tillage equipment, watch side–by–side field demonstrations by national and regional manufacturers and learn how to build soil structure for maximum soil productivity.

The University of Minnesota Extension will be coordinating a field day on Thursday, Sept. 10 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the West Central Research and Outreach Center (WCROC) in Morris, Minn. 

This event is free and lunch and refreshments will be available for purchase on the grounds.

Highlights of the event include:

* Discover how strip tillage can fit into your rotation and individual soil situations.

* Check out proper planter set–up for improved crop emergence and residue management.

* Discuss how to save time and money while building soil productivity.

* Visit with equipment reps about their new products and services.

Scheduled speakers include:

* Andy Gates, Gates Manufacturing

* Dick Hanson, Salford

* Adam Bjerketvedt, Precision Planting

* Joel Ekberg, UMN-WCROC

* Francisco Arriaga, University of Wisconsin

* Jodi DeJong-Hughed, UNM

* Aaron Daigh North Dakota State University

* Abbey Wick, North Dakota State University

For more information and to register for the event, contact Jodi DeJong-Hughes,, Doug Holen, or Phil Glogoza, or visit www.extension.umn.