Strip-Till Farmer
From the Desk of Jack Zemlicka
Jack Zemlicka

Making Your Strip-Till Resolutions for 2016

December 22, 2015

I’ve never been one for making (much less keeping) New Year’s resolutions. But there are always improvements — personal and professional — that I’ll aim to make throughout the year.

The same is true for strip-tillers, who I find often have an eye toward future evolution of their system. One question I’ll typically ask during a farm visit is what changes the farmer plans to make on their operation in the coming year.

It’s always interesting to listen to the variety of answers — from getting ahead of anticipated nitrogen application restrictions to fine-tuning strip-till row units to manage corn-on-corn residue.

While some goals are perpetual works in progress, others can change annually. How are strip-tillers planning to further manage input costs in the face of lower commodity prices? Will unmanned aerial vehicles become more integrated into scouting and mapping?

As we begin preparing for the 2016 National Strip-Tillage Conference, we’d like to hear from you about the topics, trends and troubleshooting needs that are on your strip-till radar.

Next year’s event will be held Aug. 3-4 in Bloomington-Normal, Ill., and this is your opportunity to let us know how we can make this conference productive and profitable

As I’ve seen during the first two National Strip-Tillage Conferences, attendees are a tight-knit group and strip-till is very much a community. And as we turn the calendar, consider your strip-till resolutions for 2016 and you can all achieve short- and long-term strip-till success.

What is your top strip-till resolution for the New Year? Share your perspective with me at (262) 777-2441, or send me an e-mail at