Strip-Till Farmer

[Podcast] Banding vs. Broadcast: Comparing Strip-Till Fertilizer Application Strategies

In this episode of the Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Thurston Mfg., we welcome Iowa strip-tillers Jeff Reints and his son Clay to share their trial and error approach to comparing the benefits of banding fertilizer vs. broadcast application.

September 27, 2016
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As we close in on fall, this is the time of year when combines are getting ready to roll in the field. But farmers are also strategizing for an economical and efficient fertility program for the upcoming year.

For many strip-tillers, their annual series of nutrient applications starts after harvest. According to the 3rd annual Strip-Till Benchmark Operational Study, fall strip-till proved to be the most popular timing for the third year in a row, with more than 42% of farmers getting back into the field after harvest.

The study also revealed that about 66% of strip-tillers band fertilizer in the strip, while another 28% mix nutrients into the berm with their strip-till rig.

As more areas face the threat or reality of increased regulation as to when and how fertilizer can be applied, strip-tillers have an advantage to leverage the practice to target nutrients to the root zone and minimize loss.   

With experience as both a fall and spring strip-tiller, Shell Rock, Iowa, farmer Jeff Reints has experimented with different application methods, timing and testing to maximize the return on his fertilizer investment.

In today’s Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Thurston Mfg., we welcome Jeff and his son Clay to share their trial and error approach to comparing the benefits of banding fertilizer vs. broadcast application, as well as some considerations for fall and spring applied fertilizer in a strip-till system.







The Strip-Till Farmer podcast is brought to you by Thurston Manufacturing.

For more than four decades, Thurston Manufacturing has been an innovator in fertilizer injection and conservation tillage equipment. Over that time, large-acre farmers have found “Blu-Jet” to be synonymous with durability, low maintenance and return on investment. A founding Title Sponsor of the National Strip-Tillage Conference, Blu-Jet’s Strip-Tracker was the first strip-till implement to combine on-board fertilizer carrying capacities with a stretched and staggered row unit. Visit or call them today at 800-658-3127.



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Music: Lobo Loco - Echoes Boogie Dancehall

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Banding vs. Broadcast: Nutrient Placement Benefits, Techniques & Management
Veteran strip-tillers share proven payback and lessons learned with targeted, timed nutrient applications.