Insights, Takeaways & Anecdotes: Best of the Strip-Till Farmer Blogs
Now is the time to improve and evolve your strip-till farming practices.

Dear Strip-till farmers,
Since strip-till requires a major investment, mismanagement of time, inputs and machinery can be costly. With efficiency and productivity so key in these tough times, keeping current on the latest innovative concepts and proven practices will streamline your strip-till system.
That’s why it’s so vital to learn about new approaches and takeaways from strip-till farmers who’ve found success. They’ve tested new methods and ideas that helped improve their strip-till practice. They know what strip-tillers need to know, and what practices they should do and others they should avoid.
Instead of spending your valuable time attempting to better your practice through trial and error, why not learn from documented experiments and programs that will save you time and money?
This is why we’ve gathered the best anecdotes and words of wisdom from top strip-tillers and detailed their experiences on improving their strip-till practices into a 11-page eGuide download — and we’ve made it absolutely FREE — so that you can have these insightful techniques at your fingertips.
Download “Insights, Takeaways & Anecdotes: Best of the Strip-Till Farmer Blogs” now, and start learning about new and exciting ways to practice strip-till.
This 11-page eGuide includes the best advice and takeaways shared from strip-till farmers, gleaning the most valuable information from their experiences and insights. It’s the kind of report every strip-till farmer should consider because there is always room for improvement when it comes to strip-till practices.
“Insights, Takeaways & Anecdotes: Best of the Strip-Till Farmer Blogs” offers the most practical and productive advice on building a strip-till system to fit your budget, using cover crops in strip-till and avoiding mismanagement of strip-till corn-on-corn residue. In fact, this eGuide is designed to help you…
- Understand an effective strategy to break down corn-on-corn residue.
- Learn more about creative ways to produce an economical result in the field.
- Discover new precision farming practices and technology.
- Secure knowledge on how to evaluate your strip-till fertility program.
- Start evaluating the cost vs. reward of tech tools for small-scale strip-tillers.
Equip yourself with the most detailed advice from experienced strip-till farmers who have a variety of experiences and results. This eGuide will show you how to figure out what strip-till practices work and which ones don’t. Consider this:
- Corn stalk residue is about 30:1 for a carbon-nitrogen ratio and adding sugar can alter that ratio for faster residue breakdown.
- Soil testing on small-acre strip-till operations can save $50-$100 per acre in fertilizer costs.
We know that you are a very busy person. But downloading this short, concise and FREE eGuide can only help your strip-till practices instantly.
Strip-Till Farmer is dedicated entirely to helping strip-tillers understand the trends, tools and technology needed to improve and grow their strip-till practices. Our editors make it their job to know what farmers want, and to help progressive strip-tillers improve their operations. Did you know…
10 Alternative Approaches to Advance Your Strip-Till System
Would you be surprised to know that a sugar application can help stimulate crop growth and root strength? Here’s 10 progressive tidbits to improve the versatility of your strip-till operation:
- Piecing together a 12-row strip-till unit can cost as little as $15,000.
- Interseeding cereal rye with a homemade machine during sidedressing nitrogen accommodates its narrow germination window .
- Comparing the cost of a liquid program to dry, banding the same nutrients, can save $15-$20 per acre.
- Estimates suggest only 15% of farmers have adapted “prescriptive farming” practices, which includes aggressive seeding and fertility management.
- Strip-till can reduce the horsepower needed to pull implements and reduce fuel consumption by 6 gallons per acre.
- Applying roughly 1 pound per acre of sugar during a pre-emergence herbicide application can alter the carbon-nitrogen ratio in corn residue and help it break down faster.
- Consider using an air seeder cart pulled behind a strip-till bar in spring for dry fertilizer application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
- Studies show that broadcast rates of fall-applied fertilizer have to be 50% higher than banded application to achieve the same effect on crops.
- A popular and economical sugar source is molasses, which costs about 18 cents to apply per acre at an 8- or 16-ounce rate.
- Continued growth of precision farming will depend on your commitment to a systematic approach to moving from precision farming to “digital farming.”
Learn more about these takeaway and how they can help your strip-till practice, and read our FREE eGuide, “Insights, Takeaways & Anecdotes: Best of the Strip-Till Farmer Blogs.”
Advice Straight from Experienced Strip-Tillers to You!
This 11-page eGuide includes in-depth analysis and useful examples about developing progressive strip-till ideas from experienced farmers.
That’s the kind of actionable information you get through this FREE eGuide – all analysis and perspective presented in clear, straightforward language that makes it very easy to follow and understand.
Not only are these accessible, but also applicable in every part of your strip-till operation. No matter how long you’ve been practicing strip-till, this detailed report will provide insight into areas you didn’t think about. You’ll get deeper insight into these vital areas:
- It’s important to have an effective strategy for breaking down residue.
- Corn-on-corn residue cover is critical to maintaining soil structure.
- Consider combine header technology that places residue during the harvest in the old corn rows, rather than redistributing residue evenly across the field.
- It’s important to make sure the residue ends up at the base of the plant.
- Leaving more stalk height in the field can help can help catch blowing residue and avoid having it pile up in certain areas.
For every question that you consider with strip-till, you’ll always find a useful answer that can help strengthen your current practices or discover new ones.
Read this free eGuide right now to learn how to make this important topic a #1 priority for you this year.
Takeaways to elevate your strip-tilling strategies to the next level.
In addition to the wealth of knowledge this in-depth, 11-page eGuide delivers, it also provides practical and actionable takeaways you can use immediately:
- Residue chopped and spread can help farmers avoid plugging issues at planting.
- Moving from no-till to strip-till and precision adoption reduces tractor horsepower and fuel consumption, while doubling per-hour efficiency.
- Custom strip-tilling offers an opportunity to generate additional income and broaden the network of sustainable farming practices.
These are just some of the takeaways you’ll find by downloading this FREE eGuide and reviewing it with a cup of morning coffee.
Here’s a few more…
- Custom strip-tilling can be an entry point for farmers looking to test-run a strip-till system.
- Spring strip-tilling corn into standing wheat instead of abandoning the areas after a harsh winter can lead to a 17-bushel per acre boost.
- Standing stalks catch and hold the snow providing free moisture, and when it melts it helps the crop residue decomposition process.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Take these informational bits and more to make your strip-till practices even more of a resounding success.
By now I’m sure you see the value of this carefully-prepared eGuide and what this knowledge could do for your strip-tilling operation. Nobody who wants to be a successful strip-tiller should overlook it! And because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly the person who values how to bolster, broaden and benefit by using these tips and techniques to build and strengthen your strip-till strategies.
This also means you’re exactly the kind of person we hope to reach with “Insights, Takeaways & Anecdotes: Best of the Strip-Till Farmer Blogs.” You’re the “in-the-know” strip-till farmer who plans on enhancing and improving your operation for years to come.
Regardless of whether you’re brand new to strip-tilling or you’ve invested 20 years, what better way to continue to evolve than with this comprehensive, authoritative – FREE – eGuide?
Do you want to know how sugar can be an economical addition to your fertility program?
Are you interested in learning about alternative and economical strip-till setups that can increase productivity?
Do you believe the strip-till system you have right now is providing the maximum benefits?
Then download this free eGuide right now, and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum toward great strip-tilling and a stronger system that provides you with the maximum benefits.
Yours for better strip-tilling,
Michaela Paukner, Strip-Till Farmer
PS: Concentrating corn residue in old rows vs. redistributing it across the field makes it easier to manage at planting
PSS: Molasses can be a natural and economical way to feed and develop earthworm activity in your strip-tilled soils.
What new insights did you gain? What jumped out at you? Share your observations.