Strip-Till Farmer

Precision Farming Technologies Product Roundup 2016

Check out the latest precision farming technologies from some of the industry's leading suppliers.

December 16, 2016
Brought to you by:   Farm Equipment  Precision Farming Dealer  No-Till Farmer  Strip-Till Farmer  Dryland No-Tiller


KROHNE’s loop powered OPTIWAVE 5200 C/F radar measures volume and levels to 98 feet in tanks or containments in processes to 482°F, 580 psi in ordinary or hazardous environments. PP and PTFE antennas feature process connections as small as 1 ½ inch or metal horns in 3 to 8” diameters. For hermetic seal in toxic or explosive applications a dual seal mechanism with “O” ring gaskets and a Metaglas process seal is available. The display housing can be rotated freely and the quick coupling system allows removal without emissions. Remote converter version can be up 328 feet from the antenna.


Click here for more information.


CDS-John Blue ISOBUS Compatible Liquid Blockage Monitor System


The CDS-John Blue Liquid Blockage Monitor System (LBMS) is now compatible with ISOBUS.Growers can know their flow from their tractor cab using their own virtual terminal. By integrating into their own electronic system, they can display blockage information for both liquid and NH3 while controlling their rate settings.Two ISOBUS options are available: universal system or system for John Deere® Planters. Our patented LBMS is also available in standard wired control panel, iPad, Android or Amazon Kindle wireless system, plus ISOBUS.

Click here for more information.



3RIVE 3D™ is an innovative insecticide delivery platform by FMC and Micro-Trak Systems Inc. It is designed to apply Capture® 3RIVE 3D™ Insecticide, the leading liquid in-furrow brand. It features a 130 gallon water tank, a 30 gallon chemical tank, and control and blockage monitor systems. When combined with water and air, the Capture® 3RIVE 3D™ chemical expands up to 50X in volume to provide a continuous 3D Zone of Protection in-furrow, protecting against a wide variety of seedling pests. Results prove significant improvement in yield and compelling plant stand increase when using Capture® 3RIVE 3D™. 3RIVE 3D™ allows the grower to cover up to 500 acres per fill, saving water, fuel, labor, and time.


Click here for more information.


Reichhardt Electronic Innovations PSR Tactile Row Guidance


PSR Tactile Row Guidance (PSR TAC) from Reichhardt Electronic Innovations uses tactile sensors for accuracy and durability in corn and adapts the proven TAC row guidance solution used for over 10 years on combines to self-propelled sprayers. TAC row guidance maximizes acres covered for late-season nitrogen application. TAC row guidance provides automatic steering in 20-, 22- and 30-inch corn rows without the requirement of GPS correction. Two sensor sets are used on sprayers to read four corn rows to optimize accuracy. The tactile sensors compensate for planter movement by sensing where the corn emerged and then follows directly in the row reducing crop damage.

Click here for more information.


Yetter 2940 Air Adjust Series

Yetter’s innovative 2940 Air Adjust Series allows you to adjust up and down pressures with the touch of a button, creating the ideal ride for the residue managers. The in-cab controller allows for quick adjustments from your cab with the touch of a button, controlling five programmable settings and other functions. Control system is designed with option to control with Isobus.

Planting conditions change every hour, every day. Save time and make adjustments for field conditions from your tractor seat. The 2940 Series of products includes the 2940 Residue Manager, Coulter/Residue Manager Combo, Firming Wheel and Rolling Basket.

Click here for more information.


DigiFarm Beacon v3.0


The industry’s first Apple MFi (made for iPad) certified Bluetooth device and iOS NTRIP app to stream RTK data to any GPS receiver. The Beacon v3.0 delivers RTK corrections without the need for expensive radios or cellular modems and eliminates signal problems and line shifts. DigiFarm’s Beacon v3.0 has been granted MFi status for use with newer generation iPads and iPhones. The Beacon v3.0 is designed to take advantage of a changing industry where tablets are becoming a core component in tractor cabs. These devices are commonly paired with a field computer for enhanced data collection and cloud-based data transfer. Also compatible with Android devices.

Click here for more information.


AgXcel GX30i Variable Rate Technology (Patent Pending 62/252,274)

Do you have a high-speed planter or high-speed seed tube? Trying to apply liquid fertilizer in a VRA environment, but restricted due to orifice limitations? The AgXcel GX30i VRT is an intelligent decision-making microprocessor that addresses this issue with the ability to broaden this range by implementing a 3-stage orifice system, which allows for a broader range of application, while eliminating the need for check valves and section valves. With its patent-pending VRT swath control feature, you can manage up to 32 sections for swath. Implement VRA with technology that works.

Watch our video, and click here for more information.


Ag Express

Ag Express Electronics is now offering kits to convert ground driven John Deere 1990CCS drills to hydraulic-drive variable rate. These state-of-the-art kits are available to use either a John Deere GS Rate Controller Dry, or a DICKEY-john ISO control system. A GreenStar 2 or 3 display and GPS receiver are also required. All electronic parts are included in these kits to add hydraulic drive capability. An HD4180 PWM valve and motor drive, application rate sensor, mounting brackets and hardware and cabling are all included. The DICKEY-john Air Cart ISO control kit has the added benefit of monitoring population and blockage (with additional sensors), along with controlling the application rate. The kit pricing will depend on the current monitoring system used and control system chosen.

Click here for more information.



Provide great customer service with less paperwork. See, solve and track agriculture support issues. AgriSync is the first remote support service for precision ag dealers. It enables live video calling, which will assist technicians in providing better service to their farmer customers when breakdowns occur. The live video technology allows the advisor to see exactly what the farmer sees to help bring speed to resolution. Within the app, advisors can track their service time through a ticketing system and obtain instant feedback from customers about the quality of service they received. AgriSync is free for farmers and allows you to help more farmers, more often, for less costs. Innovate your service delivery by adding the option of remote support to your locally branded service plans. It only takes 5 minutes to sign up for a free trial at

Click here for more information.


Spensa’s Z-Trap

Spensa’s Z-Trap automates the process of insect trapping and counting and can track thousands of different pest types. The Z-Trap utilizes unique technology to enable retailers, consultants or growers to drastically reduce the time and labor involved in the insect tracking process. Collect near real-time trap data from fields or orchards and monitor pest populations from a computer or smartphone. Those setting the traps can simply set them at the beginning of the growing season while they monitor pest populations throughout the remainder of that season, allowing them to catch problems early. In short, Z-Trap enables users to automate the integrated pest management (IPM) process to save labor and use pesticides more efficiently.

  • Cellular Transmitter & GPS Enabled
  • Easy to Deploy and Maintain
  • Unique Detection Sensor
  • Detect, Count, and Report Target Pests

Click here for more information.


Mixmate Chemical Blending and Introductory Offer

Praxidyn is pleased to announce the Mixmate portable chemical blending system. Mixmate streamlines the mixing process or completely automates chemical mixing with the bonus of automated records. Our Android app is easy to use and easy to learn. The operator only has to follow the prompts to complete the mixing and the records are automatic. Our data connections reduce errors, lower labor costs and simplify the system for users in the office and the field.

Mixmate is the first system designed for the farm with data integration and portability. No other system offers the features and flexibility of Mixmate. Follow the link to learn how Mixmate streamlines mixing operations. Request a quote to take advantage of our introductory offer. Don't miss out!

Click here for more information.