Top Strip-Till Stories from December 2016
January 3, 2017
In case you missed them, here are the items that have garnered the most interest from other farmers in the month of December 2016:
- How Rye and Oat Cover Crops Effect Corn Development
- [Podcast] Strip-Tilling as a Journey, Not a Destination
- Developing a "Closed Loop" Strip-Till System
- Moving Away from a Cropping Monoculture with Cover Crops
- Weed Seeds and Their Longevity
- Strip-Tilled Corn Acres, Soybean Yields Increase
- Pay-to-Play Adoption Can Pose Competitive Concerns
- [Podcast] The Do’s and Don’ts of Fertilizer Banding
- ProTrakker Unveils Hydraulic Hitch for John Deere 9000T Tractors
- [Podcast] Adapting Advanced Precision Tools to Bolster Strip-Till ROI
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