[Podcast] Strip-Till Secrets to Achieving High Yields
In this episode of the Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Blu-Jet, we welcome Iowa farmer Keith Schlapkohl to share his time-tested tips for turning 300-bushel corn and 100-bushel soybeans from a dream to a reality.
When I ask farmers to explain their motivation for transitioning to strip-till, many see the practice as a pathway to higher yields.
While not every farmer sees an immediate bin-busting return after the change, those who adapt and evolve their entire system often achieve gradual yield growth and consistency.
Count Stockton, Iowa, farmer Keith Schlapkohl among those who have embraced a systematic approach to strip-till. From an intricate planter setup for precise seed placement in corn-on-corn, to understanding the nutrient needs of strip-tilled soybeans, his comprehensive strategy is helping him close in on lofty yield goals.
In today’s Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Blu-Jet, we welcome Keith to share his time-tested tips for turning 300-bushel corn and 100-bushel soybeans from a dream to a reality.
The Strip-Till Farmer podcast is brought to you by Thurston Manufacturing.
For more than four decades, Thurston Manufacturing has been an innovator in fertilizer injection and conservation tillage equipment. Over that time, large-acre farmers have found “Blu-Jet” to be synonymous with durability, low maintenance and return on investment. A founding Title Sponsor of the National Strip-Tillage Conference, Blu-Jet’s Strip-Tracker was the first strip-till implement to combine on-board fertilizer carrying capacities with a stretched and staggered row unit. Visit www.blu-jet.com or call them today at 800-658-3127.