Weed Control Report from Washington State University Now Available
The 2016 WSU Weed Control Report is now available on the Wheat and Small Grains website.
The annual report summarizes the results from field studies conducted by Ian Burke, Drew Lyon, and their staff. Financial support for the studies was provided by the Washington Grain Commission, the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council, the Mel & Donna Camp Endowment, and by several agrichemical companies. The research was conducted in winter wheat, spring wheat, chemical fallow, grasslands, alfalfa, chickpeas, and dry pea.
Weeds investigated in 2016 included rattail fescue, mayweed chamomile (a.k.a. dog fennel), catchweed bedstraw, rush skeletonweed, Russian-thistle, common lambsquarters, wild oat, Italian ryegrass, downy brome, smooth scouringrush, and volunteer buckwheat. Two studies looked at Talinor, a new herbicide from Syngenta, in winter wheat.
Several studies were conducted in chickpea to look at pyridate, previously sold as Tough herbicide, and paraquat applied at the cracking stage. Neither option is currently labeled for use in chickpea, but you can see what the potential for these treatments are. Data from these studies may be used to help support possible labeling in the future.
In addition to the 2016 report, annual reports dating back to 2013 are on the Wheat and Small Grains website.
For questions or comments, contact Dr. Drew Lyon at drew.lyon@wsu.edu or 509-335-2961.