Strip-Till Farmer

[Podcast] Digging Deeper on the Status of Your Soil Health

This week we're pleased to share excerpts from Dr. Abbey Wick’s conversation with Tony Kramer on the RDO Equipment Co. Agriculture Technology Podcast. Tony and Abbey discuss defining soil health, cover cropping strategies, and the value of strip-till to retain moisture and size residue.

February 1, 2018
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When it comes to evaluating soil health, Dr. Abbey Wick takes both fundamental and applied approaches, probing the theory behind ecosystem processes as well as management practices to repair those processes following disturbance.

The assistant professor of soil health at North Dakota State University in Fargo, is trained in soil organic matter dynamics, nutrient cycling, soil structural development and microbial ecology. 

Abbey suggests that all systems, whether it be agricultural or resource extraction scenarios, require a holistic approach, where the interactions of elements including climate, landscape position, crop systems and fundamental soil processes are considered during the selection of an appropriate management practice or strategy. 

In today’s Strip-Till Farmer podcast brought to you by Topcon Agriculture, we a pleased to share excerpts from Abbey’s conversation with Tony Kramer on the RDO Equipment Co. Agriculture Technology Podcast.

RDO Equipment Co. is a 75-plus store dealership group serving the upper Midwest and Southwest, and in this episode of the podcast, Tony and Abbey discuss defining soil health, cover cropping strategies, and the value of strip-till to retain moisture and size residue.







Strip-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by Topcon Agriculture.

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Music: Lobo Loco - Echoes Boogie Dancehall