Strip-Till Farmer

Fertilizer Application Product Roundup 2018

Check out the latest fertilizer application products from some of the industry's leading suppliers.

February 14, 2018
Brought to you by:   Farm Equipment  Precision Farming Dealer  No-Till Farmer  Strip-Till Farmer  Dryland No-Tiller

Schaffert Mfg. G2™ Liquid Fertilizer Disc

The G2™ fertilizer disc applies fertilizer behind the planter, 2-4 inches to the side of the row. This 11 pound, 8- or 9-inch single disc opener system is designed on a patented walking beam axle, placing balanced pressure on both press wheels and providing even fertilizer depth in uneven terrain. The newly updated fertilizer bracket streams low and high pressure, and pivots 40 degrees in and out from center so you can control where the fertilizer is injected. Also new is a heavy duty rubber boot to help eliminate fertilizer on the row unit. The G2 fits most planters and works well with the 4 Link Closer™.

Click here for more information or call 800-382-2607.


Schaffert Mfg. Single & Dual Side Fertilizer Tubes for Case IH

Schaffert’s stainless steel fertilizer tubes for Case IH mount directly on the planter units. They inject fertilizer directly into the V opened by the Case IH covering discs, giving crops early access to the nutrients needed for optimal growth. The tubes run close to the soil surface and the fertilizer is incorporated into the soil, helping eliminate splash on the planter, covering discs and press wheels. This keeps fertilizer from building up on the standard or Chicken Tracker press wheels. The tubes come with low and high pressure tips. Rights and lefts are available for single or dual side placement for Case IH 800-2100 series planters.

Click here for more information or call 800-382-2607.


Richway Rate Controllers

When you need to synchronize the rate of two materials, Richway Rate Controllers may be your solution. The Richway planter fertilizer Rate Controller is one example. Turf sprayer control and concrete mixing controls are two others. The concept is simple: We measure one thing that is occurring and then control the rate of something else from that input. For example, you can measure ground speed of a sprayer and then adjust the flow rate of the product so application rate per acre is always the same, regardless of speed. If there is a way to count or measure one variable, a Richway control system can be designed to control another variable. Multiple inputs and outputs may be used. Richway controllers are field proven for more than 15 years and are economical.

Click here for more information.


Genesis RAZER™ by AgSynergy®

Fertilizer application with minimal disturbance. The Genesis RAZER is a single disc, minimal disturbance opener for single or dual placement of anhydrous ammonia, liquid or dry fertilizer. It works in conditions ranging from no-till to conventional tillage at speeds from 5-9 mph. Each row unit is equipped with parallel linkage arms, and are capable of 20 inches of independent row unit travel by utilizing active hydraulic down pressure. These features, along with many more, allow for accurate application of nutrients while meeting the needs of farmers and commercial applicators.

For more information, call AgSynergy at (785) 336-6333 or visit


Hawkins Planter ‘NForcer™

The Hawkins Planter ‘NForcer™ allows for accurate position and precise placement of key starter and pop-up fertilizer. Pneumatic down pressure and a 14-inch beveled blade allow operation in all field conditions including no-till and the position adjustments to fit strip-till needs. Horizontal adjustments of up to 8-inches allow a setting to fit various field terrains, farming practices and fertilizer requirements. Left and right row unit mounting options compensate for multiple planter configurations in all primary models. Rearward mounting of the fertilizer disc allows proper planter operation and residue flow, resulting in precise fertilizer placement out of the residue path and “In the Clear”. Accuracy is key for fertilizer placement and the Hawkins ‘NForcer™ hits the mark.

Click here for more information.


Dalton DLQHD 'Delta' Liquid NH3 Applicator

The Dalton DLQHD “Delta” Liquid NH3 Applicator is designed for areas requiring row width flexibility and less compaction, and features dual 46-inch row-crop wheels and tires and best-in-class ground clearance (56 inches). With an adjustable heavy duty axle for custom row spacing, working width of up to 60 feet, and powered by tractor hydraulics, the Delta is VRT-ready for a wide range of precision farming applications. A 1,500-gallon steel-reinforced tank, on-board hand wash station, greaseless wing pivot points and DOT-compliant full width rear lights are standard, as are state-of-the-art powder coat paint and a 24-month limited warranty.

Click here for more information.


Sunco Nutri Mate 3 Fertilizer Placement Unit

Sunco Farm Equipment’s Nutri Mate 3’s 2x2 starter fertilizer placement creates the largest yield increase of any starter treatment due to the fertilizer being placed directly in the root zone. The industry exclusive features include one notched and one straight disc, multiple horizontal and vertical adjustment options and a trailing design with pivoting action all of which help to virtually eliminate plugging and preserve seedbed integrity. The Nutri Mate 3 is available in Liquid, Dry and the new Double Liquid versions and can also be paired with Pin Adjust or Floating Saber Tooth Row Cleaners.

Contact Sunco at 800-676-2146 or visit


Precision Fabrication Dual Placement System

The Dual Placement System from Precision Fabrication LLC places the liquid nutrients 3 inches from the seed trench, on both sides, and the same depth as the seed. Placing nutrients in the root zone has proven to give the best crop yields for the fertilizer dollar. It is designed as a low pressure system to avoid getting splatter on the machine. Ten-inch openers run slightly "toed in," thus creating 2 narrow trenches into which the fertilizer is streamed at very low pressure. Eleven models cover many popular planter row units.

Click here for more information.


Nutri-Pro® by Great Plains

Nutri-Pro® by Great Plains combines vertical strip-tillage with nutrient application. Great Plains’ innovative Nutri-Pro® Precision models are designed to apply liquid fertilizer while simultaneously removing residue and vertically strip-tilling the planting zone, promoting fast, even emergence in the newly cleaned, warmed and fertile seedbed. They allow the producer to pre-apply liquid fertilizer in the spring — just prior to planting — replacing traditional methods of applying nutrients in the fall to eliminate winter Nitrogen losses. Patent-pending Quik-Tach™ Coulters allow the three-coulter Nutri-Pro Precision models to be easily converted from pre-apply to sidedress so fertilizer can be applied after the plants have emerged, ensuring nutrients reach the plant directly for maximum benefit and reduced waste.

Click here for more information.


Salford Ferti-GO 4S

A planter mounted, granular, on-board fertilizer applicator, the Ferti-GO 4S allows producers to feed fertilizer to their planters openers or application coulters. Salford’s Valmar 4 section, variable-rate, metering technology is highly accurate and capable of a range of application rates, including low rates for in-row pop-up fertilizer or higher rates for banded starter fertilizer. Ferti-GO features a single product hopper, available for mount on many planter models. The hopper has a standard capacity of 4 tons, with the ability to reach a capacity of 6 tons with optional hopper extensions.

Click here for more information.


Salford Pathfinder

Salford’s PathFinder is a self-steering undercarriage, designed to carry Salford’s Valmar 6, 8 or 10 ton hoppers for granular fertilizer distribution. Valmar ST-6 and ST-10 metering offer four section metering and the ST-8 and ST-10 tanks allow for 2 product, variable-rate blending. The metering is extremely accurate, proven gentle enough for seed or fertilizer, and is easy to change and clean. The universal, double ball hitch can be partnered with many leading tool bar, strip-till, tillage or planting implements. Multiple axle spacing options and a high clearance design also allows the machine to enter the field for side dressing.

Click here for more information.


Salford 6700 Chassis Mounted Air Boom Applicator

Salford’s Valmar 6700 is the world’s only aftermarket mounted air boom applicator available for select high clearance self-propelled chassis. The 6700 is an option rich applicator for high-acreage producers, custom applicators and ag retailers alike. The 6700 utilizes the speed, hydraulic power and precision controls that the chassis already includes. One or two product metering is ISOBUS compatible. The patent pending 60 foot air booms offer broadcast spreading for pre-plant operations and optional 30 inch row-crop drop tube kits for between row, post emergence application. Hydraulic boom fold and pitch adjustment controlled from the cab are standard features.

Click here for more information.


Salford BBI MagnaSpread Pull-Type or Chassis Mounted Spinner Spreader

Salford’s BBI MagnaSpread offers industry leading precision application options for ag retailers, custom applicators and any size producer. MagnaSpread is available in multiple, pull-type sizes and for select high clearance chassis. The ISOBUS compatible MagnaSpread has the most efficient, widest driving interval — 80 feet or more for fertilizer and 60 feet for lime. The optional Javelin spinner package achieves 120 foot driving intervals for Urea application. MagnaSpread 2 and 3 models apply variable rate custom blends of one, two, or three dry products in one pass. The MagnaSpread is an option rich spreader to meet a variety of application needs.

Click here for more information.