[Podcast] Building Your First Berms: Lessons Learned from the Field
In this Strip-Till Farmer podcast, bought to you by Topcon Agriculture, we're joined by Kentucky strip-tiller Joseph Sisk, who breaks down the successes and struggles in expanding his strip-till system, to include examples of his early-experiences adopting the practice.
Being a trendsetter comes with both rewards and risks. As one of the first farmers to experiment with strip-till in southwest Kentucky, Joseph Sisk has capitalized on the early promise of the practice, while also enduring some of the inevitable transitional challenges.
Starting small in 2014, Joseph gradually added acres to his strip-till system and now strip-tills all 2,300 acres of his corn on his 5,000-acre operation in Hopkinsville, Ky., which includes no-till soybeans and wheat, along with cover crops.
Joseph says the challenge he wanted to solve with strip-till was on rolling ground, finding a way to marry the cover cropping they had been doing without the risk of degrading our corn stands.
In today’s Strip-Till Farmer podcast Joseph, breaks down the successes and struggles in expanding his strip-till system, to include examples of his early-experiences adopting the practice.
Strip-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by Topcon Agriculture.
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