Strip-Till Farmer

[Podcast] Transitioning to an Organic System: Opportunities & Obstacles

In this Strip-Till Farmer podcast, bought to you by Topcon Agriculture, we share excerpts from our conversations at the National Farm Machinery Show, where manufacturers and farmers shared advice, challenges and outlook for the organic farming market.

February 20, 2019
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One of the emerging trends in farming is a move toward organic practices. As consumers become more conscious about the origins of their food, no-tillers and strip-tillers are experimenting with transitioning acres into an organic system.

The move can be a lucrative one, but as we learned from farmers and manufacturers, a successful transition requires planning, patience and persistence.

In today’s Strip-Till Farmer podcast we share excerpts from our conversations at the National Farm Machinery Show, where manufacturers and farmers shared advice, challenges and outlook for the organic farming market.







Strip-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by Topcon Agriculture.

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Music: Lobo Loco - Echoes Boogie Dancehall