Farmers Pick Up the Planting Pace; Much Yet to Be Done
U.S. farmers planted 16% of their corn acres, while an additional 21% of soybeans were sown last week, an improvement over recent reports, according to the USDA’s latest Crop Progress report.
Corn acres planted as of June 9 is up to 83%, a marked improvement over the 67% a week earlier, but still far behind the 99% planted on this date a year ago, which is also the 5 year average. So far, 62% of corn acres have emerged, up from 46% the previous week. Again, this pace is significantly behind the 93% acres emerged on this date in 2018, which was also the 5 year average.
USDA issued its first “corn condition” update for the current growing season. At this point 77% of corn is rated as “good” (59%) and “excellent” (18%). About 19% of corn acres are considered in “fair” shape, while 4% are reported to be in “poor” (3%) or “very poor” (1%) condition.
The ag agency also reported that 60% of soybeans are now in the ground. This up from 39% a week ago and 92% a year ago. The 5 year average for soybean plantings is 88% for this date.
Slightly over one-third (34%) of soybeans have emerged as of June 9, which is up from 19% the previous week. This compares with 81% for this date last year and the 5 year average of 73%.