Strip-Till Farmer

AgroLiquid Introduces Micro 1000

August 12, 2019

AgroLiquid is excited to introduce the newest product in its microLink line-up. Micro 1000 is a combination of eight essential micronutrients: zinc, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, iron, copper, cobalt, and boron; and two secondary nutrients: calcium and magnesium.

Soil tests do not analyze the availability of all micronutrients we know plants utilize during the growing season (albeit in very small amounts). Regardless of the quantity of a nutrient needed, if a plant does not have access to those micronutrients, it can lead to susceptibility to disease, stunting, reduced root structure and ultimately, reduced yields.

At the recent Ag PhD Field Day, TV show host, Darren Hefty, commented, “I talk with many farmers who say ‘well, we haven’t really focused on micros on our farm, which ones are most important?’ Obviously all of them.” Micro 1000 was developed to provide secondary and micronutrients to the crop during key growth stages. Zn, Mn, Fe, and Cu are components of chlorophyll production and are critical for photosynthesis. Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Ca, and Mg help improve nitrogen utilization by the crop. All of them are needed during the early development of the crop, with boron being needed most during pollination. The Flavonol Polymer Technology contained in Micro 1000 allows for improved uptake and assimilation by the crop.

The availability of secondary and micronutrients to the crop can be affected by a number of soil and environmental factors. While a thorough soil test analysis is critical to making an informed crop nutrition recommendation, a soil test may not measure, or fails to provide, sufficient information about certain factors. Some of these factors include soil nutrient interactions, temperature, water content and light. Find out if Micro 1000 is right for your operation at