Strip-Till Farmer

Corn, Soybean Maturity Continues to Lag

September 4, 2019

While corn in the dough stage improved from 71% a week ago to 81% as of Sept. 1, the crop continues to trail last year’s development for this date, which was 95%, as well as the 5 year average of 93%. Corn dented is even further behind, with only 41% of this year’s crop at this stage vs. 73% last year on this date and 5 year average of 63%.

Corn entering the mature stage of development was estimated to be 6% of acres planted vs. 20% on Sept. 1, 2018 and the 5 year average of 13%.

Overall, the condition of this year’s corn crop was rated at 48% good-to-excellent, up 1% from the previous week, but far behind the 5 year average of 67%.

USDA estimated that 96% of soybean acres were blooming as of last Sunday. This up 2% from the previous week and behind 100% last year on this date as well as the 5 year average of 100%. About 86% of soybeans are reportedly setting pods as of last Sunday vs. 86% a year ago and the 5 year average of 96%.

No change was noted from the previous week in the overall condition of the 2019 soybean crop, with 55% rated as good-to-excellent. This compares to the 5 year average where 66% of soybean acres were reported in to be in good-to-excellent condition.