Strip-Till Farmer

Continuing Education Credits Offered for 2nd Annual National Cover Crop Summit

March 11, 2020

BROOKFIELD, Wis. — Through the America Society of Agronomy (ASA) and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), continuing education credits have been approved for the upcoming National Cover Crop Summit, a free online event designed to improve cover crop knowledge and management for farmers and educators.

A total of 22 credits have been authorized for the 11 speakers headlining this virtual event, slated for March 18-19, 2020 on the Cover Crop Strategies website,

There is already a high degree of interest in the free 2-day summit, as it’s drawn nearly 700 registrations from across North America and globally. Go to the Cover Crop Strategies website to see the speaker lineup or read through FAQs about the event and the special format.

Certified crop advisors interested in credits will be asked to fill out the “Missing CEUs” form on the CCA website to receive their board approved CEUs. Participants are required to watch the entire presentation for which they’re seeking CEUs.

“If someone is a certified crop advisor they have signed our code of ethics. False reporting is a violation of our ethics code and it could lead to their certification being revoked,” says Penny Magana, ASA certification representative.

Here are the NCCS sessions that have been approved for CEUs:

Session: Steve Groff: Strategies for Getting Cover Crops Planted in Spring
Tracking Number(s): WI 56209 (3/18), WI 56210 (3/19)
Soil & Water Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs: 1

Session: Nick Vos: Using Cover Crops, Better Soil Biology to Boost Fertilizer, Irrigation Efficiency
Tracking Number(s): WI 56211 (3/18), 56212 (3/19)
Soil & Water Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs: 1

Session: Kelly Kettner: Increasing Organic Matter Through Covers, Crop Rotation in a Dryland Environment
Tracking Number(s): WI 56213 (3/18), 56214 (3/19)
Soil & Water Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs
: 1

Session: Trey Hill: Boosting Your Farm's Resiliency, Cash Flow By Planting Green
Tracking Number(s): WI 56215 (3/18), WI 56216 (3/19)
Crop Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs
: 1

Session: Adam Chappell: Livestock, the Final Piece of the Cover Crop, Soil Health Puzzle
Tracking Number(s): WI 56217 (3/18), WI 56218 (3/19)
Nutrient Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs: 1

Session: Jake Mowrer: Breathing New Life Into Your Semi-Arid Soils with Cover Crops
Tracking Number(s): WI 56219 (3/18), 56220 (3/19)
Soil & Water Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs: 1

Session: Zeb Winslow: Making the Transition, Gradually Building a Cover Crop Program for Your Operation
Tracking Number(s): WI 56221 (3/18), WI 56222 (3/19)
Soil & Water Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs: 1

Session: Erin Haramoto: Weed and Pest Management Considerations with Cover Crops
Tracking Number(s): WI 56223 (3/18), 56224 (3/19)
Integrated Pest Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs: 1

Session: James Hoorman: Do Cover Crops Really Pay Off? Crunching the Numbers
Tracking Number(s): WI 56225 (3/18), WI 56226 (3/19)
Crop Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs: 1

Session: Loran Steinlage: Adopting a '2020 Mindset' with Perennial Covers, Organic No-Till in Mind
Tracking Number(s): WI 56227 (3/18), 56228 (3/19)
Crop Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs: 1

Session: Nick Jorgensen: Leveraging Cover Crops as a Feed Source
Tracking Number(s): WI 56229 (3/18), 56230 (3/19)
Nutrient Management CEUs: 1
Sustainability CEUs: 1