Strip-Till Farmer

Crop Progress Report Shows Strong Start for Soybean Blooming, Corn Silking Progress

June 23, 2020

According to the latest USDA Crop Progress report, which was the first report of the year to begin tracking corn silking and soybean blooming, both are slightly ahead of last year's progress.

The report showed 2% of corn silking as of the week ended June 22, 2020, beating the 1% of corn sillking this time last year, and matching the 5 year average of 2%. Texas came in with 55% of its corn silking, followed by North Carolina at 26%.

Corn condition improved slightly in the week, with 57% of corn reported in "good" condition, up from 56% last week, and 15% reported in "excellent" condition, unchanged from last week.

Nearly all soybeans (96%) were reported planted, more than the 83% reported planted this time last year and the 5 year average of 93%. Five states reported 100% of their soybeans planted: Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota.

Additionally, 89% of soybeans were reported emerged, beating 66% reported emerged this time last year and the 5 year average of 85%. Minnesota showed the most progress with 99% of its soybeans emerged.

Soybean blooming rates were off to a good start, coming in at 5% blooming, more than the 1% reported blooming this time last year and matching the 5 year average. Louisiana and Mississippi established themselves as frontrunners, with 55% and 40% of their soybeans blooming. Soybean crop condition dropped slightly, with 58% of soybean crops reported in "good" condition, down from 60% in the previous week, and 12% reported in "excellent" condition, unchanged from the previous week.

Click here for the full report.