[Podcast] Overcoming Adversity to be a Better Strip-Tiller
In this episode of the Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Agrisolutions, we're joined by Montezuma, Kan., strip-tiller Josh Koehn, who shares his approach to consistently achieving high-yielding corn, using strip-till to deal with adverse conditions in a growing season.
There’s no secret formula for consistently harvesting 300-plus bushel corn, especially in Southwest Kansas, where extreme levels of stress are the norm. It takes a combination of experience, innovation, opportunity and timeliness.
Montezuma, Kan., strip-tiller Josh Koehn doesn’t claim to have perfected the process for high-yielding corn, but meticulous plot work, attention to detail and willingness to learn from mistakes on his 10,000 acre operation have routinely kept him among the top yielding farmers in the country.
In today’s Strip-Till Farmer podcast, supported by Agrisolutions, Josh shares his approach to consistently achieving high-yielding corn, using strip-till to deal with adverse conditions in a growing season, choosing the right fertility program, developing a full-season farm management plan and setting attainable yield goals for your farm.
Strip-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by Agrisolutions.
Agrisolutions is the market leader in wearable parts, components, accessories and solutions for tillage, seeding, planting, fertilizing, hardware and inventory management solutions. Improve performance and durability with a wide range of in-field solutions to advance your strip-till system. To learn more about Agrisolutions and their three main brands: Bellota, Ingersoll, and Trinity Logistics, visit AgrisolutionsCorp.com.