Strip-Till Farmer

Around 80% of Corn Reported Silking in Latest USDA Crop Progress Report

July 27, 2020

For the week ended July 26, USDA's latest crop progress report showed 82% of corn silking, more than the 51% reported silking this time last year and the 5 year average of 75%. North Carolina reported the most corn silking at 97%. A total of 22% of corn crops reported corn dough in the same week, above the 11% this time last year and the 17% 5 year average. North Carolina reported the most corn dough at 69%. Corn crops reported in "excellent" condition remained unchanged at 17%, while those reported in "good" condition rose to 55% from 52% in the week before.

Around three-fourths (76%) of soybeans were reported blooming in the same week, more than the 52% in the previous week and the 5 year average of 72%. Louisiana reported the most soybeans blooming at 96%. The percentage of soybeans setting pods came in at 43%, higher than the 17% reported this time last year and the 36% 5 year average. Louisiana also reported the most pods set at 86%. Soybean crop condition was also mostly untouched from the previous week, with those in "excellent" condition remaining unchanged at 15%. Those in "good" condition rose to 57% from 54% in the previous week.

Click here for the full report.