Strip-Till Farmer

[Podcast] Strip-Tilling Soybeans: What Recent Research Has Told Us about Tillage, Row Spacing and Fertilizer Placement

In this episode of the Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Agrisolutions, we're joined by Senior Outreach Specialist John Gaska who presents brand new university extension research results on strip-tilled soybeans to include analysis of nutrient management practices, seedbed preparation and yield results.

August 6, 2020
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While corn is considered the dominant crop being strip-tilled, soybeans are an emerging complement or even alternative for some strip-tillers. 

 Results of the 2020 Strip-Till Farmer Operational Benchmark study revealed that nearly 45% of respondents strip-till soybeans, averaging 62 bushels per acre per farm.

With strip-tilled soybeans on trending upward, having the proper management strategy to maximize yield potential is essential. New research by the University of Wisconsin Extension evaluated the impact strip-till and fertilizer placement have on soybean row spacing and yield response.

Data collected through 2018 on small and large plots compared 15- and 30-inch fall and spring strip-tilled soybeans assessing the advantages and challenges. Senior Outreach Specialist John Gaska notes that a number of factors contribute to the success of strip-tilled soybeans, including fertilizer application depth, row spacing and canopy closure.

In today’s Strip-Till Farmer podcast, supported by the Agrisolutions, John presents brand new university extension research results on strip-tilled soybeans to include analysis of nutrient management practices, seedbed preparation and yield results.








Strip-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by Agrisolutions.

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Agrisolutions is the market leader in wearable parts, components, accessories and solutions for tillage, seeding, planting, fertilizing, hardware and inventory management solutions. Improve performance and durability with a wide range of in-field solutions to advance your strip-till system. To learn more about Agrisolutions and their three main brands: Bellota, Ingersoll, and Trinity Logistics, visit

Music: Lobo Loco - Echoes Boogie Dancehall

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