Strip-Till Farmer

[Podcast] Getting the Strip-Till Puzzle Pieces to Fit Together

In this episode of the Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Agrisolutions, we're joined by Lafayette, Ind., strip-tiller Gary Gangwer, who shares some of his early experiences moving to strip-till and a few lessons learned which shaped his future decision-making.

December 17, 2020
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Getting berms built is only one step in developing a comprehensive strip-till system. What happens in the field in between the time strips are made each year is where critical management decisions are made, complementing the cornerstones of an evolving strip-till practice.

From evaluating planter performance, early emergence and in-crop nutrient application needs, Lafayette, Ind., strip-tiller Gary Gangwer is dialed into delivering the best growing season environment for his strip-tilled crops on his 1,600-acre operation.

He does a fair amount of post-strip-till field work and likes to document what he’s doing to see where we’re he’s falling short and how he can improve year to year.

As Gary says, “This is where we get better. It’s not necessarily building the strips, but what goes on after that determines our success.”

In today’s Strip-Till Farmer podcast, supported by Agrisolutions, Gary shares some of his early experiences moving to strip-till and a few lessons learned which shaped his future decision-making.








Strip-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by Agrisolutions.

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Agrisolutions is the market leader in wearable parts, components, accessories and solutions for tillage, seeding, planting, fertilizing, hardware and inventory management solutions. Improve performance and durability with a wide range of in-field solutions to advance your strip-till system. To learn more about Agrisolutions and their three main brands: Bellota, Ingersoll, and Trinity Logistics, visit

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