Strip-Till Farmer

Syngenta Introduces Innovative Packaging to Make On-Farm Operations Safer, Easier

March 21, 2022

Syngenta Crop Protection, Basel, Switzerland, announced March 21 EvoPac, an innovative liquid packaging range designed in close collaboration with growers, which, alongside the easyconnect cap, can significantly reduce operator exposure and potential risk of spills when filling.

EvoPac comes with a variety of new features making it a modern, ergonomic design for easier handling, pouring, rinsing and disposal.

Mark Hall, head of Sustainable and Responsible Business EAME, explains. “First, the rotating and flexible handle of the new bottle enables farmers to safely pour the product into the induction hopper when used in the traditional way. When using the easyconnect system, the handle design supports the upside-down rotation and precise positioning of the bottle on the coupler. Second, the bottle is translucent and allows the user to see the remaining product in the bottle. Third, there are no areas where product can remain due to the pack’s round angles and its central neck.”

With the introduction of EvoPac, Syngenta is stepping up efforts to make on-farm operations safer, easier, and more environmentally friendly. The design was driven by the practical challenges and needs of growers, the company said.

EvoPac is Syngenta’s way to support CropLife Europe’s commitment to make Closed Transfer Systems (CTS) available to European farmers by 2030. The new packaging is compatible with the easyconnect CTS that has been developed in a cross-industry effort by leading ag players. The joint implementation provides farmers with the freedom to choose from a wide range of products.

EvoPac covers the Syngenta core (1L, 5L and 10L) and non-core (3L and 7.5L) CP liquid and Seed Care packaging range and will be introduced in the Europe, Africa and the Middle East. EvoPac will first be available in easyconnect pilot countries including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.