Strip-Till Farmer
Best of the Web

Strip-Till Highlights: June 20, 2023

June 20, 2023

Strip-Till Farmer editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at the grower's world from the lofty digital realm. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by NACHURS.


NACHURS®️ is a liquid fertilizer brand that has revolutionized farming practices since 1946. NACHURS offers high quality precision-placed, seed-safe liquid starters and the latest technologies to maximize crop potential. The NACHURS sales and agronomy team are professionally trained to assist our dealer network with product positioning, agronomic advice and fertility recommendations.

Why Farmers are Strip-Tilling More Soybeans

Fast forward to the 4:35 mark of the latest episode of Conservation Ag Update for an early release of the 2023 Strip-Till Benchmark Study results. Strip-till expert Tony Vyn joins technology editor Noah Newman for reaction to some of the most eye-opening results.

New Strip-Till Rig Billed as 2 Machines in 1

Check out this picture of a new strip-till rig, developed by Edwards Farm Machinery. Farmers Weekly describes it as, “essentially 2 machines in 1, with a primary strip-till rig at the front that works up a band of lose, trash-free soil to depths of about 11.8 inches. Thanks to a rear 3-point linkage attachment, it can also have a set of band rotavators hooked on the rear.”

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Photo by: James Andrews

Corn Emergence Trial: Strip-Till vs. No-Till

Bayer conducted a study comparing the emergence of early planted corn in a no-till system with a strip-till system. Strip-tilled corn emerged earlier than no-till corn, hitting V2 in mid-May.

Strip-Till Transforms Bad Fields into Moneymakers

Here’s another great video from Jon Stevens in Rock Creek, Minn. Stevens shows how strip-till has improved the productivity on his farm, even in historically bad fields. You can catch Stevens leading a classroom presentation at the National Strip-Tillage Conference, Aug. 2-4, in Bloomington, Ill.

Planting Green in a Dry Year: A Cautionary Tale

In this video from GROW IWM, Penn State Extension Weed Specialist John Wallace talks about how the practice of planting green into a living cover crop affects soybean growth and emergence in a dry year.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by NACHURS.

NACHURS®️ is a liquid fertilizer brand that has revolutionized farming practices since 1946. NACHURS offers high quality precision-placed, seed-safe liquid starters and the latest technologies to maximize crop potential. The NACHURS sales and agronomy team are professionally trained to assist our dealer network with product positioning, agronomic advice and fertility recommendations.


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