Strip-Till Farmer
Webinar Replay

CONTROLLED TRAFFIC. Planting on strips between a cereal rye cover is a breeze for Micah Lester, who uses RTK guidance on strip-till corn near Gracey, Ky. Lester and his father, Gary, have been strip-tilling since 2013.

[Webinar] Making Sense of the Different Types of RTK Technology

October 11, 2023

Join the editor's of Strip-Till Farmer for a webinar with Steve Riddle from DigiFarm. RTK is often one of the most misunderstood terms in ag. Steve Riddle, a 35-year veteran in application equipment and precision ag, helps growers and ag retailers develop a clearer understanding of the various types of RTK technology, and better set expectations for each for expected accuracy.  

Steve reviews the numerous types of RTK on the market, explains how they function and break down the similarities and differences. He discusses the rules that all RTK providers have that determine repeatable accuracy.

In this webinar, Steve Riddle will cover:
  • A review of radio, cellular single base, cellular VRS/VBN, satellite and portable base offerings
  • How line shifts can occur when switching RTK providers
  • Differences of Datums, NAD83 and JDITRF and how these might affect line shifts when sharing guidance lines between various brands of GPS
  • Why RTK does not always mean you automatically have sub inch repeatability

Email Noah Newman at Strip-Till Farmer with any questions about the webinar.

About the Speaker

Steve Riddle

Steve Riddle
Territory Sales Representative - Eastern U.S., DigiFarm VBN LLC.

DigiFarm’s Steve Riddle, a 35-year veteran in application equipment and precision ag, helps growers and ag retailers navigate through the progression of new technologies.