Strip-Till Farmer
Conservation Ag Update
Landowners Learn True Value of No-Till & Cover Crops at Unique Workshop.jpg

Landowners Learn True Value of Conservation Practices at Unique Workshop

February 21, 2025

On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, we head inside the first-ever Conversations about Conservation workshop for landowners at No-Till Innovator Mike Starkey’s farm in Brownsburg, Ind.

Plus, we have boots on the ground at the World Ag Expo and National Farm Machinery Show. Associate editor Mackane Vogel checks in from Tulare, Calif., with an up-close look at Pyka’s Pelican 2 — the largest autonomous crop protection aircraft on the market. Meanwhile in Louisville, Ky., Beck’s agronomist Steve Gauck shares lessons learned from new studies on corn root architecture.

In the Cover Crop Connection, New Jersey no-tillers Robert and R.J. Fulper try using a planter-mounted roller-crimper while planting green as part of a North Jersey RC&D on-farm trial.

And in the Video of the Week, Beaver Dam, Wis., strip-tiller Ryan Nell plants his soybeans on January 31st!

This episode of Conservation Ag Update is brought to you by Sound Agriculture.

Sound Agriculture delivers bioinspired solutions that enrich soil and improve crops. Our synergistic products empower growers to achieve success while minimizing environmental impact.

SOURCE® activates the soil microbiome, unlocking nutrients for crops through advanced chemistry. BLUEPRINT™ offers the highest-quality arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), extending root systems to improve nutrient and water access.

Beyond our products, Sound leads the way with programs that support growers in adopting sustainable practices to reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers while maintaining productivity and profitability.


Read the full transcript of this episode of Conservation Ag Update.

Have an interesting photo or video from your farm? Or a story you’d like us to feature on the broadcast? Send me an email at

And that will wrap things up on this edition of Conservation Ag Update. Until next time, for more stories visit, and Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!

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Noah Newman

Noah Newman started at Lessiter Media in March 2022 as Associate Editor for No-Till Farmer, Strip-Till Farmer and Cover Crop Strategies. He previously worked in broadcast journalism as a sports anchor/reporter for television stations in central Illinois and most recently Jackson, Mississippi, where he was named the state’s sportscaster of the year by the National Sports Media Association. The Cleveland, Ohio, native enjoys engaging with growers, learning extensively about their operations, and sharing impactful stories with the audience.
