Strip-Till Farmer

DuPont & Deere Collaborate On Precision Farming Program

November 8, 2013

DuPont Pioneer and John Deere are collaborating to deliver near real-time field level data to growers. The companies are linking Pioneer Field360 services, a suite of precision agronomy software, with John Deere Wireless Data Transfer architecture, JDLink and MyJohnDeere.

Pioneer will be among the first to leverage Wireless Data Transfer architecture, making the data exchange process faster and more convenient for growers, which will help them make important seed, fertilizer and other input purchasing and management decisions with the latest field data. Growers can opt-in to upload their field data directly into Pioneer Field360 Select software from their John Deere GreenStar 3 2630 display through MyJohnDeere. 

Pioneer Field360 Select software also can be used to generate seeding and fertilizer prescription files, and send them directly to the grower’s GreenStar 3 2630 displays in the field.

Pioneer and John Deere plan to make the service widely available in 2014 to anyone who has been equipped by a John Deere dealer for Wireless Data Transfer and has subscribed to the Pioneer Field360 Select software. Each company will market their software and solutions through their existing localized distribution channels.

To learn more about Pioneer Field360 services, see your local Pioneer sales professional or visit