Strip-Till Farming 101, Equipment, Precision Agriculture
Catching Timebombs with Pre-Season Planter Maintenance

Catching Timebombs with Pre-Season Planter Maintenance

Chad Baker texted me a Warren, Ill., address and said, “Meet me here at 9 a.m.,” for a peek behind the curtain during one of the most hectic times of the year.

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  • The Strip-Till Farmer Weekly Digest is delivered every Sunday from our editors to provide you with important industry news and popular strip-till content from the past week.

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Strip-Till Farming 101

Feeling overwhelmed?

Start with these information-packed articles hand-picked by our editors:

Building Healthier Soil and Profits with Strip-Till

Is Strip-Till Right for Your Farm?

Find out what production practices and field conditions are most suitable for strip-till. The Building Healthier Soil and Profits with Strip-Till series is brought to you by Environmental Tillage Systems.

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NSTC 2024


The National Strip-Tillage Conference returns August 8-9, 2024! Build and refine your strip-till system with dozens of new ideas and connections at the 11th Annual National Strip-Tillage Conference in Madison, Wis. Experience an energizing 2-day agenda featuring inspiring general session speakers, expert-led Strip-Till Classrooms and collaborative Roundtables. Plus, Certified Crop Adviser credits will be offered.

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Strip-Till Columns

  • Noah-Newman-web.jpg

    Farmers Exchange Ideas, Successes & Failures at Big Soil Health Event

    Jerry Hatfield. Liz Haney. Roy Pfaltzgraff. Lance Gunderson, Dan Luepkes. Russell Hedrick. Sarah Martello. Talk about a cavalcade of All-Stars. With heavy hitters like those on the program, we knew this year’s Big Soil Health Event was a can’t-miss event.
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    Hey AGCO, Don’t Forget North America

    While AGCO seemingly has good intentions when it comes to promoting conservation practices, it also looks like they have little interest in promoting numerous soil-saving concepts in North America.
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    World Soil Day: Partnerships Powering Soil Regeneration

    The U.S. leads the world in no-tilled acres, while two nations with the highest populations, India and China, don’t even make the Top 5 list. India has the second most arable land in the world and China comes in fifth.
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    No-Tilling Soybeans at Thanksgiving - 25 Years Ahead of Its Time?

    While “pushing the limits” of early planting dates, Iowa crop consultant and farmer David Savage proved 25 years ago that no-tilling soybeans extremely early might just be crazy enough to work. Like maybe the day before Thanksgiving or Christmas?

Strip-Till Farmer Podcast

[Podcast] Strip-Tiller Makes Strips & Plants Soybeans with Rig at Same Time

On this episode of the Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by DigiFarm, John Hanson switched to strip-till a few years ago to save money on fuel and labor costs and increase the moisture-holding capacity of the soils on his 1,600-acre farm in north central Iowa.

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Want to list a job posting? Learn more here and contact Logan Fitch today.

Product Roundups

Top Store Items
Cutting Costs, Keep Yields with Stellar Nutrient Management

Cutting Costs, Keep Yields with Stellar Nutrient Management

With this 16-page, newly-released Nutrient Management report, you’ll discover how to energize your fertility plans with sugars, how in-season variable rate applications can boost your bottom line and yields, and how to adjust inputs through management zones to achieve 250-bushel average corn & 75-bushel average soybean yields. A must-read!

Cover Crop Strategies Volume 1

Cover Crop Strategies Volume 1

The editors of Cover Crop Strategies and No-Till Farmer created this 24-page special report to share ideas on getting covers established, using a roller-crimper for termination, successfully integrating livestock into a cover-crop system and using covers to transition away from an overdependence on herbicides and fertilizers.

Cover Crop Strategies Volume 4

Cover Crop Strategies Volume 4

With this 16-page, newly-released edition of Cover Crop Strategies, you’ll discover how many graziers realize profitable returns from using cover as high- quality forage. Read how cover crop rotation paired with a grazing system completes a no-tiller’s holy grail of soil health. You’ll also hear from the late cover crop expert Dave Brandt as he discusses his best practices for getting the most out of cover crops.

Built to Last: No-Till's Trials & Triumphs... 60 Years Later

Built to Last: No-Till's Trials & Triumphs... 60 Years Later

This 44-page Special Commemorative Edition is meant to honor the shoulders of those on which no-tillers stand on today, and to also remind the next generation that true, revolutionary breakthroughs in farming are still possible. More than 110 million acres proves it. Based on detailed research, historical discoveries and many conversations with farmers who proudly shared their personal no-till memories, this fascinating report dives into all aspects within the rich history of no-till farming.

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