Walton, Ind., no-tiller Cameron Mills has worked with annual ryegrass as a cover crop for the past half-dozen years. During this webinar event held Tuesday, April 8th, 2014, Mills shared timely tips for getting complete control and desiccation of annual ryegrass prior to planting.
Here's what you'll learn from this 60-minute session:
- The timing, temperatures and other conditions that Mills has found to be necessary to kill an annual ryegrass cover crop
- Where annual ryegrass fits within Mills' cropping rotation
- Conditions and application methods Mills has worked with in establishing a solid stand of annual ryegrass
- The impact that an annual ryegrass cover crop has had on his no-till soil profile and yields
- Mills' no-till planter setup for getting good seed-to-soil when no-tilling into a stand of desiccated annual ryegrass.
If you’re interested in learning more about ways to manage annual ryegrass as a cover crop, this webinar sponsored by KB Seed Solutions provides some of the ingredients you need to consider to be successful working with this popular cover crop.