Dear Strip-Tiller,
Throughout the years, you’ve probably tried several different ways to improve your strip-till practices. Maybe some of your ideas worked. Others, probably not so much, which made the results a mixed bag.
Nobody knows it all. It’s a big reason hundreds of strip-tillers gather at the National Strip-Tillage Conference to bounce ideas off each other and talk about their successes — and failures — every year.
Everybody is looking for advice on how to be the best strip-tiller. Whether it’s how to develop better fertilization practices or improve berm building, there’s always a way to improve your system.
Farmers want tested methods and practices that have had success. Not ‘theoretical ideas’ that may or may not work. If productivity and profitability aren’t improved, it definitely isn’t going to be worth the effort.
This is why we’ve gathered the top 50 strip-till tips and techniques from strip-tillers and other industry experts into a 5-page eGuide download — and we’ve made it absolutely FREE — so that you can have these proven techniques at your fingertips.
Download 50 Tips, Tricks & Techniques to Be a Better Strip-Tiller now, and start learning about all the newest expertise today.
This 5-page eGuide includes the best advice and takeaways shared from roundtable discussions during the last three National Strip-Tillage Conferences, gleaning the most valuable notes from more than 50 hours of conversations. It’s the kind of report every strip-tiller should look at, even if you don’t think you’ll need it.
50 Tips, Tricks & Techniques to Be a Better Strip-Tiller is the most practical and productive advice on fertilizer placement, choosing cover crop varieties and making the most of precision farming technology. It’s simple, straightforward and extremely useful in the field. In fact, this eGuide designed to help you…
- Understand the proper depths and timing for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) applications
- Learn more about banding practices and how it can help you stretch your fertilizer dollar
- Discover 9 new valuable nuggets for incorporating precision technology into your strip-till operation.
- Secure 16 bits of expert advice from strip-tillers on how to build a better berm.
- Start gaining confidence in your berm building abilities.
Equip yourself with the most experience-based advice from strip-tillers who have tested and refined their systems. This eGuide will give you helpful hints targeting your nutrient applications for maximum uptake. Consider this:
- Some strip-tillers attempt to cut N application rates during the early years of strip-till, but experts say this could only be due to over-application
- Expert strip-tillers understand that the right technology can help their strip-till practices greatly improve. Some have found that auto-steering is essential for more consistent passes and developing controlled traffic zones. Plus, it lowers operator fatigue.
We know that you are a very busy person. But downloading this short, concise and FREE tips eGuide can only help your strip-till practice instantly.
Strip-Till Farmer is dedicated entirely to helping farmers understand the tools, trends and technology needed to build and maintain a profitable strip-till system. Our editors make it their job to know the score, and to help progressive farmers improve their operations. Did you know…
10 Berm Building Tips
Would you be surprised to know that you should plant in the same direction you strip-till with the same width machine? Here’s a taste of 10 berm building takeaways for strip-tillers:
- In spring, avoid using deep shanks in favor of rolling coulters
- Stay on the strip year after year as it won’t disturb surrounding soil structure
- The better your build berms in the fall, spring strip-till won’t be needed
- Run population checks because every farm is different
- For corn-on-corn strips, consider moving over 8 inches each year to stay close to the fertilizer zone
- Strip-till can help reduce the amount of irrigation needed
- Row cleaners on your strip-till rig can help prevent hair pinning and contribute to a great stand
- You may have more time to strip-till in the fall, and the ground tends to be dryer than in spring
- Make sure that you “till” out the knife slot that could potentially be left in the strip to avoid a pocket in the berm
- Consider using a rotary hoe in spring to dress fall strips
To learn more about these tips and how to apply them on your operation, Read our FREE eGuide, 50 Tips, Tricks & Techniques to Be a Better Strip-Tiller.
Advice Straight from Strip-Till Authorities to You!
This 5-page eGuide includes expert analysis from hundreds of strip-tillers all around the United States and Canada who gathered at the National Strip-Tillage Conference to learn about successes, challenges and trends in today’s strip-till world. These expert opinions and practices will help you improve your overall farming operation.
That’s the kind of actionable information you get throughout this FREE eGuide – all of the tips presented in clear, straightforward language that makes it very easy to follow and understand.
Not only will they be easy to understand and follow, they’ll be applicable to you in every part of your strip-till system. No matter how long you’ve been a strip-tiller, these tips will provide insight into an area you didn’t think about. You’ll get deeper insight into these vital areas:
- Assisted-steering systems are an economical entry point into precision farming technology, costing $3,000 to $4,000 to incorporate
- “Smart” displays with task controller support are a progressive investment because they offer advanced integration of equipment through ISOBUS connections
- Emergence of wireless data transfer software is making uploading of A-B lines more seamless for tech-savvy operators
- Having the same GPS equipment in the planter tractor and the combine equipment facilitates crop data use
- RTK and a controlled traffic system combine to reduce compaction and a less skilled operator can achieve optimal results
For every question that you consider with strip-till, you’ll always find a useful bit of information that can help improve your productivity in the field and profitability after the entire process.
Read this free eGuide right now to learn how to make this important topic a #1 priority for you this year.
Takeaways to elevate your strip-till system to the next level
In addition to the wealth of knowledge this in-depth, 5-page eGuide delivers, it also provides practical and actionable takeaways you can use immediately:
- Use a controlled release N like ESN and 28% liquid N in fall strip-till because it will be micro- or bio-friendly to soils
- 5 gallons per acre of 10-34-0 as a starter fertilizer applied in the strip can get plants off to a good start in spring
- Ammonium Sulfate (AMS) can reduce the risk of N volatilization, but it won’t eliminate it
These are just some of the takeaways you’ll find by downloading this FREE eGuide and reviewing it with our cup of morning coffee.
Here’s a few more….
- Consider planting cover crops with a twin-row planter and then plant corn and soybeans between the rows
- Experiment with different variety mixes on test plots before incorporating cover crops on your entire operation
- Test different application methods — aerial, drilling and broadcast — to secure the best results
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Take these informational bits and more to make your strip-till even more of a resounding success.
By now I’m sure you see the value of this carefully-prepared eGuide and what this knowledge could do for your strip-till practices. Nobody who wants to be a strip-till trendsetter should overlook it! And because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly a person who values how to bolster, broaden and benefit from strip-till farming.
This also means you’re exactly the kind of person we hope to reach with 50 Tips, Tricks & Techniques to be a Better Strip-Tiller. You’re the “in-the-know” farmer who plans on enhancing and improving conservation efforts for years to come.
Regardless of whether you’re brand new to strip-till or invested 20 years in the practice, what better way to continue evolving than with this comprehensive, authoritative – FREE – eGuide?
Do you want to learn more about the successes, challenges and trends from expert strip-tillers?
Do you have a complete knowledge of everything new in precision farming practices and how it can help your strip-till practices?
Are you prepared to handle any problems that affect your strip-till abilities?
Then download this free eGuide right now, and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum toward a great strip-till season.
Yours for better strip-tilling,
Michaela Paukner, Strip-Till Farmer
PS: Did you know that broadcast rates often have to be 50% higher than banded application to achieve the same effect on crops.
PSS: A rule of thumb from industry experts – 8-inch wide strips, 3-4 inch berms and 5-8 inch depths for banded fertilizer applications.
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