When it comes to strip-till, a driving motivation for making the transition in 2014 for Mike Pribyl, was to balance effectiveness with efficiency.
The Green Bay, Wis., farmer had long followed the seasonal patterns of conventional tillage practices. But a series of conversations with Brent Petersen, agronomist with Brown County Land and Water Conservation led to a conversion, first to no-till and then to strip-till.
This evolution led to Mike expanding on custom operations in the area, starting out with planting and sidedressing and expanding into strip-till and cover crop application.
In today’s Strip-Till Farmer podcast, part 2, supported by Environmental Tillage Systems, we share more excerpts from our recent visit with Mike and Brent to discuss the scope of the farm’s custom business and continuing opportunities to connect and expand conservation tillage adoption in the area.
The Strip-Till Farmer podcast is brought to you by Environmental Tillage Systems.
At Environmental Tillage Systems, our mission is to provide progressive farmers with an innovative production system that profitability rebuilds the land. Contact ETS to discuss how the SoilWarrior can improve ROI on your farm at www.SoilWarrior.com.
Looking to emphasize and expand conservation tillage practices in east-central Wisconsin, Brent Petersen, agronomist with Brown County Land & Water Conservation and Mike Pribyl, strip-tiller based in Green Bay, Wis., discuss their combined efforts educating local growers on the value of combining conservation practices and leveraging custom strip-till as an entry point.