Finding ways to improve farm profits without taking on more acres is one of Zack Smith’s goals. In fact, the Buffalo Center, Iowa, strip-tiller has a name for it – biohacks.
With his mindset of finding natural, vegetative solutions for farm problems, he recently started developing a unique autonomous structure he calls the Stock Cropper that integrates strip-cropping with mobile grazing.
For this Strip-Till Farmer podcast, we caught up with Zack to hear about the Stock Cropper, including why it has an inverted roof, how he envisions utilizing them at production scale, how it can help farmers keep more money in their pockets, the importance of transparency in the consumer relationship and more.
He also explains why he ran a lawn mower over some of his corn acres this spring – on purpose.
The Strip-Till Farmer podcast is brought to you by SOURCE®️ by Sound Agriculture.
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Music: Lobo Loco - Echoes Boogie Dancehall