[Video] Maximizing ROI Through Magnified Management Zones


Jay Riddell strip-tills 100% of his corn and soybeans across 2,500 acres near Sparland, Ill. Almost every move the 4th-generation farmer makes is based on management zones. “The goal isn’t to reduces fertilizer or input costs, but to reallocate them,” he says. “I want my cost per bushel through all areas of the field to be the same.”

Riddell reveals his playbook for set- ting up and maintaining management zones to get the most bang for his buck. He also shares why equipment choices, soil/tissue testing methods, starter fertilizer and cover crops are key pieces to the puzzle.

You’ll Learn: Tips for implementing management zones to maximize ROI, how to optimize seed and fertilizer rates — and boost yields — while cutting inputs.

The 2023 Strip-Tillage Conference Video Replay is brought to you by Laforge Systems.

Laforge Systems, LLC is celebrating their 30th anniversary this year as the only North American company devoted 100% to supporting dealers and customers with hitch technology for tractors.

Competitors come and go, but Laforge is still here. Laforge is committed to helping today's farmer, and other operators of agricultural tractors, to maximize productivity and save money.

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