Cover crops offer a unique solution for keeping field residue where you left it after your strip-till pass, while also providing benefits like breaking up soil compaction and nutrient cycling – but is adopting them the right call for your operation?
This live panel is a joint presentation of ETS/Soil Warrior and ForGround by Bayer, two leaders in regenerative agriculture and preserving soil health. Experts from ETS and ForGround will lead an in-depth discussion about the benefits of integrating cover crops with strip-tillage, and how both companies support farmers who do. Plus, a farmer with firsthand knowledge of the practices will be on hand to talk about his motivations, challenges and results.
Here’s what’s covered:
- The intricacies of integrating cover crops with strip-tillage
- Real-life results from a farmer who’s adopted the practices
- Insights and best practices from ETS and ForGround experts
- How enrolling in the Bayer Carbon Program can benefit your farm
About ETS
Environmental Tillage Systems, Inc. (ETS) is a leading manufacturer of conservation tillage and nutrient management equipment designed to enhance soil productivity and farm profitability.
About ForGround by Bayer
ForGround supports farmers in considering, adopting and expanding regenerative agriculture practices with personalized agronomic support, exclusive discounts and opportunities to earn income for implementing regenerative practices.
About the Speakers

Austin Omer, Sustainable Systems Agronomist with ForGround by Bayer

Brent Brueland, Vice President with ETS/Soil Warrior, and is also a CCA