Conservation Ag Update hits the road once again for the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Ill.
Assistant editor Mackane Vogel discovers a new electric cover crop seeder, and catches up with ag tire expert James Tuschner for a “Tire Talk” about preventing stubble damage.
Also in this episode, Noah Newman chats with central Illinois no-tiller Dave Brown in the Farmer Feature segment, goes ahead of the curve with Terrakamp CEO Joseph Jandrisch for a look at the soil health benefits of the company’s NEXAT system, and reveals the secret to strip-tiller Alex Harrell’s soybean record-breaking success.
This episode of Conservation Ag Update is brought to you by Yokohama Off-Highway Tires.
VF tires are constructed with sidewalls that enable them to bear heavier loads and operate at lower inflation pressures than traditional radial tires. In fact, VF tires, like our Alliance AgriFlex+ range, can carry up to 40% more load than a conventional radial tire at the same inflation pressure or operate at up to 40% lower air pressure under the same load. VF tires offer quantifiable improvements on the farm. For example, the ability to carry heavier loads can cut down significantly on fuel use and reduce machine hours, while the ability to operate at lower inflation pressures allows tires to produce larger footprints, which can improve traction and reduce soil compaction. The best part is, you can choose which benefit works best for your operation. Learn More at
Read the full transcript of this episode of Conservation Ag Update.
Have an interesting photo or video from your farm? Or a story you’d like us to feature on the broadcast? Send me an email at
And that will wrap things up on this edition of Conservation Ag Update. Until next time, for more stories visit, and Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!