On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Montag Manufacturing, we take you inside the 2024 Commodity Classic in Houston, Texas! A trio of no-tillers discuss their top planting challenges for 2024, while a pair of strip-tillers gameplan for a busy spring.
In the Cover Crop Connection, associate editor Mackane Vogel sets the stage for the 2024 National Cover Crop Summit, a virtual event that kicks off March 12.
Plus, we catch up with Great Plains Manufacturing’s Doug Jennings for an up-close look at the company’s new BD7410 narrow transport 13-foot box drill, and how its hydraulic downpressure allows no-tillers to attack difficult planting conditions. We also check out one of the panel discussions at Commodity Classic featuring analysis from former soybean world record holder Randy Dowdy on the pros and cons of dry and liquid fertilizers, and Ag Tire Talk’s James Tuschner gets the scoop on Case IH’s new Quadtrac undercarriage.
This episode of Conservation Ag Update is brought to you by Montag Mfg.
Montag Manufacturing has rolled out two new industry-first products. Cover Crop Plus is the first metering system dedicated to cover crop seeds, able to accurately meter even the smallest seeds like cover cress. It can be mounted to tillage implements, combines and self-propelled high clearance machines.
The second new product is the mammoth sized model 2224 with 13 or 16 tons capacity for producers running with larger strip-till implements. For more information, visit the Montag website or your Montag dealer.
Read the full transcript of this episode of Conservation Ag Update.
Have an interesting photo or video from your farm? Or a story you’d like us to feature on the broadcast? Send me an email at Nnewman@lesspub.com.
And that will wrap things up on this edition of Conservation Ag Update. Until next time, for more stories visit no-tillfarmer.com, striptillfarmer.com and covercropstrategies.com. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!