B&L Farms in Live Oak, Fla., strip tilling cotton on April 25, 2013. Soil was a little slick, with 2″ of rain 4 days ago. Weather refuses to get “April-like,” with highs barely in the 80s. We have recieved consistent rains all spring, and we are a little worried weather is more Midwest-like this year. Up North they say “be prepared to get your crop planted in a 10 day window, whether you like it or not.” May might just be perfect for us, but it may also be hot and dry, or even wetter. This farmer said his thermometor was reading 72 deg. at 1″ deep. He was placing the seeds every 4″ in good moisture. Cotton planted 7 days ago is up to a good stand.
This field was burned-down 30 days prior with glyphosate+2,4-D. They are coming back with Reflex and Prowl pre-emerge. The weeds you see are volunteer peanut. They will pick these up with Glyphosate and Staple later on.