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Yetter Farm Equipment

On this episode of the Strip-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by DigiFarm, Andrew Focht takes us inside his strip-till operation in Villisca, Iowa. 

Focht has increased his yields each year since switching to strip-till 2 years ago. He shares his nutrient management plan, which includes phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) applications in the fall, nitrogen (N) applications in the spring and variable rate N applications throughout the growing season. He explains how his strategies are helping him increase N efficiency and cut back on P and K by 30% while increasing yields to over 300 bushels per acre on some fields.

Focht also discusses the benefits of his unique starter fertilizer mix that includes liquid chicken manure, explains how cover crops play an integral role in his system and why networking is key when adopting strip-till.

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Yetter Farm Equipment

The Strip-Till Farmer podcast is brought to you by DigiFarm.

DigiFarm VBN is an RTK corrections provider utilizing our privately owned network across much of the US. We work with all brands of GPS receivers and have numerous ways in how we can deliver our RTK corrections. DigiFarm has our in house designed modem elevate and our popular Bluetooth device called the Beacon used in conjunction with our DigiFarm VBN app. We also can use other OEM installed modem devices along with displays that have NTRIP capabilities. 

DigiFarm VBN provides industry leading technologies, support, and resources to the dealer as well as end user. DigiFarm VBN uses its own base stations to create a virtual base giving the end user greater accuracy and reliability at industry leading pricing. 

DigiFarm VBN is used in the AG industry by growers, producers, ag retailers, agronomist, and provides dealership opportunities to precision ag dealers. DigiFarm continues to grow not only by our ever-expanding network but also by growth in autonomy , robotic and drone technologies as they become more common place in our industry.

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