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[Video] Applying Integrated Weed Management in Strip-Till Systems

When asked by a crop consultant toinvestigate herbicide-resistant waterhemp in Dodge County, Wis., Dr. Rodrigo Werle and his research team discovered that label-rate applications of PPO herbicides just weren’t getting the job done. As an associate professor and extension cropping systems weed scientist at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Werle’s research focuses heavily on integrated approaches to weed management in corn, soybeans and small grains.

During this classroom session, Werle analyzes data about the effectiveness of cereal rye and pre-emergence herbicides for waterhemp management in no-till corn and soybean systems, and explains how to apply the findings to your strip-till operation.

You’ll Learn: The amount of cereal rye biomass needed for optimal weed suppression, how to prevent weed seeds from spreading and options to keep strip-till fields clean without losing yield.

     The 2024 National Strip-Tillage Conference Video Replays are brought to you by
ForGround by Bayer.    


ForGround by Bayer is a farmer-first digital platform that supports growers in improving soil health and resilience through practices such as strip-till, no-till and cover crops. ForGround provides farmers exclusive access to tools, resources and discounts as well as the potential to earn revenue through carbon programs for the adoption of regenerative practices.

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