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[Video] Still Crazy for Strip-Till After All These Years

Jodi DeJong-Hughes has been at the forefront of strip-till related research for over 25 years as a regional educator with the University of Minnesota Extension.

During this classroom session, DeJong-Hughes shows how strip-till stacks up to other tillage systems, quantifies the value of conservation tillage techniques and deep dives into decades worth of data to see how strip-till performs in even the harshest climates. Don’t miss your chance to hear from one of strip-till’s foremost authorities who has studied the practice from its earliest days!

You’ll Learn: Strip-till insights gleaned from over 20 years of comparative tillage research, where the latest gains in strip-till are occurring and how to capitalize on practical ways to overcome the challenges holding some farmers back.

     The 2024 National Strip-Tillage Conference Video Replays are brought to you by
ForGround by Bayer.    


ForGround by Bayer is a farmer-first digital platform that supports growers in improving soil health and resilience through practices such as strip-till, no-till and cover crops. ForGround provides farmers exclusive access to tools, resources and discounts as well as the potential to earn revenue through carbon programs for the adoption of regenerative practices.

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LaForge Systems

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