On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Martin-Till, we’re broadcasting from the road at the 2024 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa!
We highlight some of the latest innovations at the show, including a new row cleaner from Martin-Till, autonomous filling station from Solinftec and a harvest weed seed control unit from Redekop. Plus, we catch up with Leesburg, Ga., strip-tiller Alex Harrell for his top takeaways from his record-breaking 218-bushel soybean yield.
Later in the episode, Iowa State’s Mehari Tekeste and Ag Tire Talk’s James Tuschner detail a new research study on tire PSI levels and compaction. Finally, in the Cover Crop Connection, Taylor Moreland of Agri Spray Drones checks in from the demo fields to show how no-tillers can seed cover crops and more with drones.
This episode of Conservation Ag Update is brought to you by Martin-Till.
Our customers believe that Martin-Till®️ products provide an excellent return on their investment. We know this because a large percentage of them are repeat customers since the beginning in 1991. Our planter attachments help make it possible to plant into higher levels of residue and moisture. Higher levels of mulch means less erosion, improved soil tilth and fertility, which can reduce production costs.
Martin-Till’s goal is to increase yields and save you time and money. We hope you find something from our product offerings of row cleaner, UMO’s, closing wheels systems and recently added concaves that will make this year’s planting & harvesting go better for you. After all, you deserve the best!
Read the full transcript of this episode of Conservation Ag Update.
Have an interesting photo or video from your farm? Or a story you’d like us to feature on the broadcast? Send me an email at Nnewman@lesspub.com.
And that will wrap things up on this edition of Conservation Ag Update. Until next time, for more stories visit no-tillfarmer.com, striptillfarmer.com and covercropstrategies.com. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!