Strip-Till Farmer editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at the grower's world from the lofty digital realm. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web:

Fall Strip-Till: Behind the Scenes

Andrew Kippen, North Valley Precision Planting manager, shows off his ZML strip-till bar as he gets ready to make strips in the middle of October in Elmcreek, Manitoba.

Learning About Strip-Till at No-Till Conference

Our sister publication No-Till Farmer announced the release of the 2025 National No-Tillage Conference program. The conference takes place Jan. 7-10 in Louisville, Ky. There are several strip-till related sessions on the program, including classrooms led by Iowa strip-tiller James Hepp and Kentucky strip-tiller Brandon Hunt. Check out the full lineup at!

Watch the announcement here.

Benefits of Reduced Tillage and Cereal Rye in a Diverse Crop Rotation

Adding winter wheat and double crop soybean to a corn and soybean rotation with a cereal rye cover crop before soybean provides a multitude of benefits. Lowell Gentry, research agronomist and retired University of Illinois principal research specialist, shares research from Piatt County, Ill., that demonstrates the advantages of diversifying the typical corn and soybean rotation.

Why Strip-Till? Breaking Down the Basics

On this classic episode of Ag PhD, the Hefty Brothers dive into the benefits of strip-till and how it stacks up to no-till and conventional tillage systems.

Crunching the Numbers Behind Strip-Till Profitability

Here's another popular video from Rock Creek, Minn., strip-tiller Jon Stevens. The 2023 National Strip-Tillage Conference speaker crunches the numbers to see how the cost of strip-till compares to no-till and conventional tillage.

Is there something you want to share in "This Week"? Send us an email.

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