The 20th annual Soil Management Summit will take place Jan. 29-30 at the Mayo Clinic Health System Event Center in Mankato, Minn.

This year, the Soil Management Summit is partnering with Midwest Cover Crop Council’s Annual Meeting on Jan. 28, to bring even more great content, all in one location.The Soil Management Summit features:

  • Breakout sessions led by experts, researchers, and farmers.

  • An exhibitor hall with innovative solutions to improve your soil health and farm profitability.

  • Networking opportunities at scheduled breaks and "Beer and Bull."

  • Panel discussions with experienced farmers from across Minnesota.

  • Table talks to support informal discussions with farmers and advisors.

Attendees come from all corners of Minnesota, and beyond. They work as farmers, ranchers, land owners, ag advisors, local conservation staff, and more. 98% of Soil Management Summit attendees said they would recommend this conference to their friends and peers. 

Registratrion is open — click here for more information about the program, available CEUs and lodging.