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Strip-Till Farmer delivers a mix of features on strip-till farmers, strip-till management topics and trending practices in strip-till. You’ll find our editors in the field, at key industry events and visiting successful strip-tillers to provide you with what’s working — and what’s not — to make you more efficient and put more dollars in your pocket.
Beyond the Berm – Pg. 3
‘What I Think I Learned After 25-Plus Years of Strip-Tilling Corn’
Cover Crop Tips for Strip-Tillers at National Cover Crop Summit – Pg. 4
8-way cover crop mixes, overcoming moisture challenges among topics for upcoming online conference
‘Do-It-Yourself’ Approach Works for Young Strip-Tiller – Pg. 6
Fall strips & spring freshener through cover crops boost corn yields by 40 bushels per acre
Fact Checking Strip-Till Assumptions with Research Data – Pg. 8
Years of on-farm trials show even in colder…