On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, 4 Leopold Conservation Award recipients — Russell Hedrick, Richard Lyons, Colleen Kershaw and Wendy Mariko Johnson highlight some of the unique conservation practices on their farms.

We catch up with central Illinois no-tiller and strip-tiller Josh Stoller at the ATSG winter clinic in Nokomis, Ill., for a conversation about the cutting-edge tech giving him a winning edge on his farm.

No-tillers from across the world share how they’re reducing glyphosate dependence on their farm and what they would do to keep no-tilling if glyphosate was banned.

In the Cover Crop Connection, Gary Zimmer — “the father of biological farming” — previews his upcoming presentation at the National Cover Crop Summit. Plus, Cambridge, Ill., no-tiller Monte Bottens spotlights some of his on-farm trials for 2025.

This episode of Conservation Ag Update is brought to you by Sound Agriculture.

Sound Agriculture delivers bioinspired solutions that enrich soil and improve crops. Our synergistic products empower growers to achieve success while minimizing environmental impact.

SOURCE® activates the soil microbiome, unlocking nutrients for crops through advanced chemistry. BLUEPRINT™ offers the highest-quality arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), extending root systems to improve nutrient and water access.

Beyond our products, Sound leads the way with programs that support growers in adopting sustainable practices to reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers while maintaining productivity and profitability.


Read the full transcript of this episode of Conservation Ag Update.

Have an interesting photo or video from your farm? Or a story you’d like us to feature on the broadcast? Send me an email at Nnewman@lesspub.com.

And that will wrap things up on this edition of Conservation Ag Update. Until next time, for more stories visit no-tillfarmer.com, striptillfarmer.com and covercropstrategies.com. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!