Already becoming known for its superior performance in applying anhydrous ammonia in heavy residue no-till conditions with little to no visible disturbance at 20” and 30” toolbar row spacing options, AgSynergy now offers its Genesis TRX row unit on the DR toolbar model with 15” row spacing.
The AgSynergy DR model toolbars with the 15” row spacing are ideal for both pre-plant and side dress applications for wheat. The minimal to no visible disturbance row unit applies anhydrous ammonia with nearly zero negative impact to the standing wheat plants in side dress applications.
The Genesis TRX row units are also able to handle large amounts of residue from the previous season’s crop without plugging or hair pinning. This allows for residue to remain in its place to reduce erosion and minimize moisture loss.
Not only can the DR model toolbars provide for a solution for side dressing wheat on 15” band centers, the toolbar can easily be set up to run on 30” spacing with the turn of two valves. The applicator can run 30” spacing off-row for side dress application or 30” spacing on-row for pre-plant applications.
Essentially, the applicator is 3 toolbars in one.
For information on the Genesis TRX applicator and DR model toolbar model options, visit You can also watch videos of the equipment in action.