CDS-John Blue introduces its Next Generation Electronic Liquid Blockage Monitor System (LBMS), available in fall, 2013. The system allows operators to monitor liquid application flow from the tractor cab. Two display options are available — a standard display and also through an iPad.
“It’s a simple, effective way to make sure the operator isn’t over-applying or under-applying,” says Jim Stubbs, CEO of CDS-John Blue.
Operators can monitor their liquid application flow from the tractor cab and see a visual display and hear an audible alarm on the control panel. Farmers can identify which row is being under-applied and each row with a distribution problem will be highlighted by a flashing LED light at the row.
Sensors can be mounted to existing VisaGage II units and new magnetic balls are supplied with sensors. The system can be used with cloudy or dark liquids and LED is visible to the sides of the column.
For more information, click here.