With Palmer amaranth becoming more herbicide-resistant, producers are pushing to find new ways to control it, such as using a rye cover crop to suppress it.
Localized populations of these species found on headlands or field margins likely represent a new introduction. Populations that are distributed throughout fields are likely a sign that these species have gone undetected for more than one year.
Planting delays gave an incredible advantage for weeds in some fields in 2022, enabling weeds to germinate and emerge at the same time as crops in 2022. It is important that farmers do what they can to limit weed seed production and movement to help prevent weed infestations in the future.
As the calendar moves through the summer months and postemergence herbicides are applied to late-planted crops, it's a good time to review some research on the effects of high temperatures on Group 27 herbicides.
A study published in the latest edition of Agricultural & Environmental Letters, the journal of the American Society of Agronomy, the Soil Science Society of America, and the Crop Science Society of America found that palmer amaranth can pass its seeds via contaminated manure.
Rigorous testing by Arkansas weed scientists detects first-ever documented case of broadleaf resistance to glufosinate, says the University of Arkansas.
Depending on the species, weeds spread with the help of wind, water or by other means, but human factors seem to be the best way to spread weeds from field to field, across a state, from state to state and even from one country to a different one.
Recent research at Kansas State University has confirmed farmers' claims of Palmer amaranth being resistant to 2,4-D and dicamba — the first confirmed case of resistance to to these herbicides, says Iowa State University Extension.
The likely sources were seeds carried by migratory birds, a used combine, an alternative feed source purchased out of state, custom combining and grain cleaned out of
railroad cars.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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