Following the launch of the AF11 combine, Case IH introduced new AF9 and AF10 combines, redesigned from the ground up, to maximize capacity and crop flow with efficient horsepower, simplified maintenance, and connectivity built-in at base.
The Kuhn Krause Gladiator has been the most frequently used strip-till rig for several years now according to the Strip-Till Farmer Benchmark Study. Curt Davis, director of marketing and product management for Kuhn North America, checks in with some new features on the Gladiator’s ST-PRO II row unit.
Mark Zastrow, product manager with MacDon, highlights some of the key features of the company’s new FC Series FlexCorn. The FlexCorn brings the one-pass residue management of MacDon’s OCtiRoll Residue Management System into a flexing platform.
Craig Dick, VP of sales and marketing for Phospholutions, showcases the company’s new RhizoSorb 8-39-0, billed as the next generation of phosphate fertilizer. Dick explains why the fertilizer is 50% more efficient than traditional MAP or DAP and how it can deliver $20 per acre in ROI.
Technology editor Noah Newman catches up with Dave Sender from Environmental Tillage Systems (ETS) for a conversation about the versatility of the company’s SoilWarrior and how it can be used for seeding cover crops and soybeans. Sender also offers some pre-harvest advice for strip-tillers before they start making strips this fall.
Lynx Ag debuts a new 36-row 22-inch strip-till bar at the 2024 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa. Lynx owner Lance Glendenning goes over some of the unique features of the toolbar and why it’s durable for commercial operations. Glendenning also reflects on the evolution of the strip-till market and offers advice for strip-tillers as they prepare for harvest.
Eric Schuler, manager, USA business for Redekop, showcases the company’s Harvest Weed Seed Control Unit that resulted in over 99% kill rates of 4 problematic weeds during a recent Virginia Tech research study.
Strip-Till Farmer delivers a mix of features on strip-till farmers, strip-till management topics and trending practices in strip-till. This FREE quarterly print newsletter is available to qualified subscribers in the U.S. and Canada.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
Environmental Tillage Systems is a leading manufacturer of strip-till and nutrient-management equipment which enhances soil productivity and farm profitability.
Kuhn Krause's focus, above all, is to continue to produce quality products to serve producers better; to strive to respond to their needs with new tools and new technology to meet their growing challenges. Agronomic practices are constantly changing, and at a faster pace now than ever.
For over 90 years, Yetter Farm Equipment has designed and manufactured innovative and effective solutions for the agriculture industry. Today, we are proud to be recognized worldwide as an industry leader in designing row cleaners, strip till tools, planter attachments, precision fertilizer placement attachments, rotary hoes, toolbars, and harvest attachments.