Strip-Till Farmer Email Discussion Groups

What are Email Discussion Groups?

Email discussion groups are an excellent way to get connected with the Strip-Till Farmer community. Ask questions, stay informed, share events, meet other farmers, and get the support you need to make time and money-saving farm decisions. You simply send and receive messages like regular emails. You can choose to respond to the individual sender, the whole group, or just sit back and watch. You can also choose to receive messages immediately as each is sent or as a daily digest recapping the day’s activity in just a single email.

Why Join?

The greatest asset of Strip-Till Farmer’s email discussion group is the knowledge and ideas, generously shared by the community. Our email discussion group instantly connects you with that network of knowledge from the convenience of your smartphone, home or office.

How Do I Join?

Connect with strip-tillers from around the world to seek advice and exchange ideas about strip-till systems, equipment, nutrient management, crop protection, soil health, precision farming practices & equipment, water management, cover cropping, how to successfully convert to the practice and more. JOIN HERE.

The discussion group activity is managed by Strip-Till Farmer staff, and it is easy to join or unsubscribe at any time. If you are concerned about too many emails, you have the option to receive a “daily digest” option. This option will provide you with one daily email that contains all the emails of the day.

Our editors monitor the email discussion groups for article and story ideas. By joining the email discussion group, you agree to have your name and comments used in print and online articles. By agreeing you share your insights, you're helping no-tillers across the world better their own operations. We appreciate your participation!

Rules of the Discussion Groups:

  1. Be civil. Gossip, flaming (abusive, inflammatory language) or lengthy criticism is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Read the civility commitment in the next section below.
  2. Be respectful of different viewpoints and beliefs. Access to the Strip-Till Farmer network through email discussion lists is a privilege. We expect participants to contribute in constructive, knowledge-sharing conversations.
  3. Keep topics and discussion related to agriculture. References to politicians and their views on ag policy are allowed, but must remain civil & respectful. References to one’s faith as motivation is allowed, but criticizing others’ views or proselytizing is forbidden.
  4. None of the discussion lists are moderated. We expect all list users will be courteous and respectful – and will help to cultivate a civil space for dialogue. However, Strip-Till Farmer staff will monitor the discussions and adherence to the rules laid out here.
  5. We treasure openness, if you are unable to abide by the rules listed here, we will issue a warning. Subsequent offenses may result in your removal from the list.
  6. These group email discussions are not intended as a platform for advertising a business. However, if a conversation naturally warrants mentioning a service that you or your business provides, that’s acceptable.

Still confused about what is or isn’t OK to post? If you have any questions, reach out to Michaela Paukner at


Civility Commitment

Our commitment is to learn from each other. We acknowledge differences in beliefs, values, politics, culture, interests and experiences.

Because the internet separates us physically from the people we are speaking with, it can be easier to let ourselves slide into using disrespectful language to talk with each other.

We’ve see conversations on social media and other online forums spiral into personal attacks. We believe that all of our spaces should be spaces where we respect each other.

We commit to:

  • Listen respectfully to each other
  • Refrain from personal insults and other disrespectful actions
  • Recognizing and respecting different levels of understanding
  • Actively seek common ground

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